Part 24

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This chapter is based off of episode seventeen, season four.
'It's a Terrible Life'

Maximum Richardson went to Yale so she could work in Sandover, a giant company.
Building the Dream, one bridge at a time.

"'Cause he gets up in the morning
And he goes to work at 9
And he comes back home at 5:30
Gets the same train every time."

Max looked at the radio of her black Toyota with a disgusted face." Uh, no." Max said to herself as she turned off the radio and drove to her company building.

Max moved to this town about three weeks ago after getting out of college. She went to Yale and ended up getting out of there earlier than expected.

Max pulled into her designated parking spot and got out, grabbing her purse and locking up her car. She walked in the front door and to the elevator, getting in and clicking the button for the floor her office was on.


Max walked out of the elevator and started down the hall, waiving at the people from tech support. She awkwardly tried to flatten down her skirt as she walked.

 She awkwardly tried to flatten down her skirt as she walked

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"Ms. Richardson?"

Max turned around and went face first into someone's chest. She grabbed the mans shirt to make sure she didn't fall backwards. The man she bumped into dropped the coffees he had in his hands and grabbed her waist, making sure she didn't fall.

Max looked up at the man with red across her cheeks, her honey eyes meeting with a pair of green ones.

"A-ah, uh, hello, Sam." Max said, letting his shirt go as he let go of her waist.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Sam asked her, looking down at the ground where his coffee fell and spilt out.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? I didn't mean to bump into you. I'm so sorry." Max said, using her hands to pat out the wrinkles she caused in his shirt.

"I'm fine. And don't worry about it. It was my fault for scaring you like that." Sam said, taking his hand to move some of Max's hair out of her face.

Max smiled up at him and shakes her head." It seems like I owe you a coffee now." She said, motioning her head towards the mess on the floor.

"No, it's alright. I got one for you anyway, that's why, I -- you know. Called out for you." Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Max shook her head and started to laugh, Sam soon joining her." I mean, I'm still up for buying you a coffee. I mean -- if you want."

Sam smirked down at Max who was blushing slightly. Max has been working at this company for about three weeks, and in those three weeks she's developed a big crush on Sam.

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