Part 30

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This chapter is based off episode twenty, season four.
'The Rapture.'


"Cas look out!"

Castiel turned around and jabbed the angel in the chest with his own angel blade. Cas turned around and nodded at Max who smiled and ran to him, putting her back against his.

"We have to hold them off until Dean gets here." Max said softly, looking around at the ten to fifteen angels that surrounded them.

"Agreed." Cas whispers back, causing Max to nod. She gripped her angel blade tightly as she looked around at her aunts and uncles.

"Whatever you do Cas, don't get killed." Max said, watching as the other angels pull out their blades.

"That goes for you too, Max. My life wouldn't be the same without you."

Max felt her eyes water as she blinked the tears away, she turned around slightly and saw Cas nod his head.

Max turned around quickly, throwing her angel blade at Riley, hitting her in the chest. Her body lit up and then fell to the ground, her wings burning and turning to ashes.

Max ran at the oncoming angels and jumped over them, doing a flip and landing beside Riley. She bent down and grabbed the dead angels' blade, standing up and running at the angel coming her way.

"Max, we don't have to fight. You and Castiel can surrender and come with us willingly." Daniel said, earning a growl from Max.

Max didn't answer as she ran to the man who tried to stab her, she grabbed the mans arm and slung him into the group of angels who were trying to get Castiel.

"Michale should have sent more of you." Max said, smiling as three more angels ran her way. Max ran and met them halfway, roundhouse kicking one in the face, knocking the angel into her brother.

Max stabbed the other one who fell to the ground and they lit up. The girl stood up and Max turned her own blade on her, stabbing her in the stomach.

The last angel ran at Max who snapped her fingers, causing his vessel to explode.

Max took a minute to breath as she grabbed her knees and let out a long breath.


Max turned around and saw two angels holding Castiel, a different angel stood in front of him with an angel blade to Cas's neck.

Max let a low growl and went to walk towards him but was pulled back by someone grabbing her hair and pointing an angel blade into her back.

"Son of a --"

*Time Skip*

Max wakes up slowly and looks around the plain white room. She goes to lift her hand but realizes her hand and feet are tied down.

Max jerked and pulled at her restraints and cursed under her breath once she realized there was no getting out.

Max looked around the room she was trapped in and sighed, seeing there was little to look at. There was a silver table with knifes of all shapes and sizes, needles filled with different color liquids, and much more.

There were no windows in the room, and only one on the door. And the only light was placed above the chair Max was sitting in.

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