Part 35

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"Who are you?" Max asked, looking around. Everyone was frozen in place.

"I think you already know the answer to that," The mans eyes flashed red, but only for a moment." Niece."


"Lucifer." Max hissed, laying her hand out flat.
" Give me back my blade."

Lucifer chuckled and laid the blade in her hand, smirking." I know you won't do anything anyways."

Max growled and put the blade in her jacket, watching Lucifer sit down in front of her.

"Why are you here?" Max asked, snapping her fingers and making her laptop disappear. It was her way of showing him she knew what she was doing.

Lucifer smirked at her action and rested his head on his hand, propping his arm on the table.

"Well, when I found out the first nephilim made from an archangel is in town, I just had to stop in and say hi!" Lucifer said, making Max roll her eyes.

"Well you've said your hello's. You can leave now." Max sassed, making Lucifer laugh.

"Well, you've got a pair on you, don't ya?"

Max snapped her fingers and made her coffee appear in her hand. She took a sip and made eye contact with the devil.

'That sounds like the set up to a bad joke,' Max thought.

Lucifer sighed and shook his head." Fine. I wanted to know which Archangel is your father. It's not me, obviously. So that leaves the three amigos. I'd be able to tell if you'd show me your wings and stop hiding all of your power."

Max chuckled and sat her coffee down." What good would it do for you to know? Walking around with my wings out is annoying, and if I didn't hide some of my power, I'd be a beacon for demons and angels. Both of which I'm
hoping to avoid. But honestly, you're no better."

Lucifer stuck out his bottom lips and widened his eyes." How can you say no to this face?" He asked, pointing at himself.

"Considering that's not you, it's not too hard." Max said, making Lucifer smirk.

"That's what she said." Lucifer said, making her roll her eyes." But anyways, I was just curious. Either way, you'd be very powerful."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." Max said.

"Well, I bet you didn't know that Rufus, Jo and Ellen are in River Pass. A few of my buddies are there with them."

Max's eyes widened as she stood up, grabbed her angel blade and put it to his neck.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down there, Max." Lucifer said, trying to back away from the blade.

Max pushed the blade closer to his neck, making a small cut that glowed." Who's there? Are they hurt? Tell me or I'll plunge this through your neck."

"No, they're not hurt. But they will if you don't hurry and get there." Lucifer said with a smile on his face.

Max backed up and put the blade up, glaring at the man.

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