Part 33

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This chapter is based off of episode one, season five.
'Sympathy for the Devil.'


Max gasped as her eyes opened, breathing heavily afterwards. She looked around her and saw Sam and Dean, hands covering their face as they let them down.

"What the hell?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Sam answered.

"D-Dean?" Max asked, causing the brothers to look over at her." I-I was just with Cas, and then I -- I don't know what happened, I just saw black. How are we on a plane?"

"I-I don't know, we were at the convent and then we popped up here after a white beacon appeared." Dean answered, glancing over at Sam who looked so broken.

"White beacon? Wait, did you stop Sam?" Max asked, looking over at Sam for the first time since the panic room." Please tell me he stopped you."

Sam stayed silent and Max felt her eyes start to water. She went to speak but was cut off by the pilot speaking over the intercom.

"Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Elliott city, on our initial decent into Baltimore."

Max looked out her window and sighed, a single tear falling down her face.

"So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to--" The pilot was cut off by a giant white beacon to appear in front of the plane." What the--"

The computers and tv's started to ring and the plane started heading straight down. The air masks drop and everyone puts theirs on except Max.

Max stands up after unbuckling herself and stands in the middle of the isle, she sticks her hands out towards each side of the plane and closes her eyes.

She concentrates on settling the plane down, making it even so the pilots have more control. After a minute the lights stop flickering, the noises stop, and everyone looks over at Max.

"She's an angel!" One person called out, then a few people started clapping.

Max held her eyes closed and helped the plane descend slowly, landing it in a empty field close to Baltimore. Once she was sure everything was stable, she opened her eyes and put her arms down.

"Okay, everyone listen up. Once you're all off the plain, anyone that was injured, sit in a group to the left of the plane. The rest of you sit to the right and I'll get you all home." Max said, walking to the front of the plane and kicking the door off its hinges, making a bunch of people gasp.

Max snapped her fingers and made a slide appear for the people to get on. She flew her way down and waited for all the passengers, including Sam and Dean, to get out of the plane.

"This is bad. This is so very bad."

*Time Skip*

Max was laid out across the seats in the back of the car she made appear for her and the brothers.

'Cas, where are you? I'm worried sick. I don't know what happened today. I need to find you.' Max thought.

"... and govener O'Malley urged calm, saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown."

Max sighed and looked over between Sam and Dean, looking at the radio.

"Change the station." Dean said, looking over at Sam. He leaned over and changed it, causing Max to sigh again.

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