Part 11

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Once Max snapped her fingers and let the boys alone to their pointless bickering, she appeared at the kitchen table of Pamela's house. She was like her mom. Pamela always helped her with things she didn't understand or when she just couldn't deal with people that day.

Pamela had her back to Max as she was cooking something.

"Hey, Max. Daddy issues?" Pamela asked her, turning around and holding her arms out for a hug. Max stood up and smiled, walking into Pamela's arms and hugging her back.

"More like Winchester problems." Max whispered, letting Pamela go and walking back to her chair.

"From the call I got a few minutes ago from your dad, looks like they don't understand you, and we need to find out what pulled Dean Winchester out of hell." Pamela said, Max chuckled, not surprised she knew everything.

"Oh! Not to mention how the man you've loved since you were little, keeps leaving you."

"You make it sound so much less complicated then it actually is." Max says frowning.

"Oh, I know sweetheart. It'll all be alright soon, trust me." Pamela said, finishing her pancake that was on the stove and sitting it down on a plate with two others. She picked up the plate and walked to the seat across from Max, sitting down and resting her head on her hands.

"Ya' know Max, for as much shit as Sam gives you. You still love him as much as you did when you first started loving him." Pamela said knowingly, a blush ran quickly to Max's face, covering her cheeks and nose.

"R-Really?" Max asked, blushing even more now that she stuttered.

"Of course, you know you do. I also know you hate yourself for it, you hate yourself for a lot of things."

Max became silent as she looked down at her hands that are propped up on the table." I'm a freak, Pamela." She said quietly, almost like a whisper. Pamela frowned and shook her head.

"No, Max. You aren't a freak, you just have a special talent."

"I don't think that. It's the reason I left." Max said, Pamela shook her head and chuckled, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Sweetheart, that's not the only reason you left. Sam, was your best friend, it wasn't the same there without him."

Max smiled sadly and nodded her head, she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a knock at the door."Ah! That's the boys!" Pamela said excitedly jumping from her chair and walking to the front door. Max sat in her chair, listing to Pamela hitting on all three men as soon as she opened the door.

Max snapped her fingers and a white cup appeared in her hand, full of tea, she brought it to her lips and took a sip. Max heard the door shut and then she heard foot steps, she sat her cup down and looked up at the doorway when she heard the foot steps stop. Max's father, Dean, Sam, and Pamela stood there, looking down at her.

"What?" Max asked, standing up and walking to them. They all just stared at her, Max sighed and walked to the door of the room Pamela does her readings in.

There was a round table in the middle of the maroon painted room, there were red curtains and pictures were hung in a few places among the wall.

"Can I set up?" Max asked. Pamela nodded as Max snapped her fingers. Once she did, there was a black cloth covering the table, it had a pentagram drawn in white on the center.

Pamela walked to a cabinet and bent down, grabbing candles. Her tank top rose up showing her tattoo that read,'~Jesse Forever~.'

"Who's Jesse?"

Pamela laughed and stood up, candles in hand as she looked at Dean." Well, I'll tell you it wasn't forever."

"His loss."

Pamela looked at him and she walked by and sat the candles on the table in the order she wanted them in." Might be your gain."

Max's face went pale and she made a sickening face." Mother figure, please don't hit on brother figure." Max said, sitting down at the table and looking up at them in disgust.

Sam stared to laugh." Dude, she'd eat you alive."Pamela laughed and shook her head.

Once everyone sat down and everything was ready, Pamela made everyone hold hands.

"I need to touch something our mystery monster touched." Pamela said and reached under the table and Dean jumped, making the table shake and Max, Sam, and Bobby chuckle.

"Whoa! Well, he did not touch me there."

Pamela chuckled." My mistake." Dean let Max and Bobby's hands go, pulling up his sleeve and showing everyone but Max the print for the first time.

Pamela reached over and touched it, closing her eyes once everyone grabbed hands again.

"I invoke, conjure, and command you-- appear unto me before this circle." Pamela said, she said it a few more times until the television turned on and a high-pitched ringing started.

"I invoke, conjure- Castiel?" Pamela asked, Max's eyes widened and she started to panic to herself. She made eye contact with Bobby, he knew something was wrong by the look in her eyes.

"Pamela, stop." Max said quietly, she was ignored.

"No. Sorry, Castiel. I don't scare easy."

"Castiel?" Dean asked, Max looked at him

"It's his name, he's very powerful. Pamela, stop." Max said, Pamela shook her head.

"No! I almost have it! I invoke, conjure, and command you--spread unto me before this circle." She started again.

"He's warning me to turn back." Pamela stared chanting again, she said it the third time, but was cut off by the candles in the middle of the table, their flames grew higher as Pamela screamed. Her eyes were bleeding, it looked like they were burnt, she fell backwards in her chair and fell to the ground, screaming.

Max snapped her fingers and appeared by Pamela, touching her forehead, trying to heal her.

"Call nine-one-one!"

"Don't!" Max yelled, there was a blue flash in the room. Pamela's eyes weren't fully healed, she was blind, but the bleeding stopped. Everyone looked at Max who had Pamela's head in her lap, tears rolling down her face.

"Max?" Bobby asked her, Max looked up at him. She stood up and gently placed Pamela's head on the floor, she stared pacing around the room as she was crying.

"Max? Is she okay?" Dean asked her, Max looked at him, wiping her tears and sighing.

"Well, I don't know Dean. Anyone who gets involved with the Winchesters either dies or gets hurt. She's blind goddamn it! And whatever did that!" Max yelled pointing from Pamela to herself." Is what I am! I felt it when I touched her!"

Everyone stayed silent while Max snapped her fingers and was holding Pamela with ease, she walked out of the room and to Pamela's bedroom, laying her down and covering her up.

"I'm sorry, mom."


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