Part 26

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This chapter is based off of episode eighteen, season four.
'The Monster at the End of This Book.'


Max stood in the kitchen in front of the stove, flipping some pancakes while Bobby stood on the other end of the room stirring the eggs.

"So, Dad, did you enjoy the other night?" Max asked, smiling as she started to flip the pancakes high in the air like a professional.

"I did, once the new movies come out, we're gonna go see 'em." Bobby said, bringing the eggs down to the stove and pouring them into a pan.

"Sounds like a plan." Max said, finishing the last pancake and putting it on the plate with her fathers stack. She picked both plates up and sat them down on the table.

"So, Max, your birthday is a few weeks. What are you wanting to do?" Bobby asked, pouring the scrambled eggs onto a plate and carrying them to the table and sitting them in front of Max.

"I have no clue. Honestly, I just want to spend a day with you and the boys, no monsters, no work. Just, relaxing." Max said, smiling at her pancakes and eggs.

"Alright, we'll make it happen. Also, that's a weird combination of food, Pumpkin."

Max just laughed and nodded, taking a bite of eggs." I missed having your eggs, but I wanted pancakes."

Bobby and Max started laughing, Bobby went to say something but was cut off.

"Max, you're needed in Heaven."

Max stood up and pointed her demon knife at the figure. She lowers it once she realized it was her uncle, one of many.

"Oh, god. Cas, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was you." Max said, putting the knife in its holster.

"I completely understand. Now, we need you in Heaven. We have things to discuss."

Max turned and looked at Bobby, then back to Castiel." Now? I'm sorta having breakfast. How about you join us first?"

Castiel looked at the food then back to Max, disgust on his face." I'm fine, thank you, though. I dislike the taste of particles."

Max turned and face her father with a sigh." I have to go, Dad. I love you lots." She said, walking over to her father and kissing his cheek.

"I understand. Come back and visit soon." Bobby said, watching Max as she grabbed Castiel's hand and waived bye at him.

The next thing Bobby knew, Max and Castiel were gone and up in Heaven.

Max looked around and noticed she was in the same room she was in the last time she was there. She turned around and looked at Michale and Raphael, anger on her face.

"Hello, niece." Michale said, smiling slightly.

"You don't get to call me that! Who the hell do you think you are making Dean torture Alastair, you cold hearted, son of a bitch?" Max asked angerly, crossing her arms over the sweater she had on, which was Sam's.

"You watch your tone with me, girl." Michale warned, causing Max to hold her hands in the air.

"Or what?! You'll smite me? You wouldn't dare. I'm so sick of you and the other angels acting like you can push my family around. I'm done with it."

Michale and Raphael just shared a look before shrugging Max's yells off.

"We didn't call you here to argue." Raphael said, causing Max to scoff.

Bobby's Adopted Daughter Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora