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or when the sun burns your neck.

it was not my idea to go to rockmart for the day. in fact, i hated the idea. alas, parents remain parents in their dictatoristic decisions.

so i found myself at a church—really just a setup of a couple tents and a sign that read "church of god." underneath the shade of the tents were many people, all white, most overweight, and eighty per cent elderly. the true image of the traditional sun belt: lazy, old, and conservative as hell. this is only one of the reasons i despised the place.

during the egg hunt i was pressured into doing, a couple of other teens walked on the trail ahead of me. they didn't seem particularly interesting or compelling, but that was a good description of rockmart as a whole. one of the boys in the group continually called shit "gay."

i breathed in and out and in and held it so that i wouldn't yell. wouldn't piss and moan because this was the sort of place where everybody opposed my leftist views. it was seen in the short foreheads and pompous, holier-than-thou means of walking.

we spent more than three hours in that hellhole.

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