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or when your day is spent well.

good swim meet. bad gossip among the teammates once the new girl was gone. terrible hunger after being there for four hours.

i went home exhausted, my shoulder hurting a bit.

after a while of absentmindedly watching netflix and trying to sleep and failing to do so, i try to call a friend.

"hellooo," he said. i laughed a little. he sounded groggy, as if he hadn't spoken at all until then.

as he says, a good conversation can be indicated by the number of tangents it takes you on. and boy, were there a lot of tangents. we talked about music and people we find annoying and the pronunciation of one of his close friend's name and just everything.

every once in a while, when i had my side of the line muted while i was doing something, he'd start singing, and boy could he do it well. his voice was gentle and smooth and sweet and soothing, like honey. at times, i left my end on mute longer just so he would sing. i could listen to him for hours.

and i did. we talked for five hours, occasionally accidentally hanging up on each other.

procrastination at its finest, really. but homework is for sundays on which the hours move slowly and quietly. saturdays are for friends and crossed fingers and singing to one another through the phone.

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