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Warning : might be too sweet for yall so :')) dont die !!


"Can i put out my hands through the window ? I watched the heirs and Park Shinhye was so excited to do so . I wanna try it too !" I asked with a hopeful tone .

Jimin let out a chuckle before pressing a button to have the window down and i stuck my left hand out of it , feeling the windy breeze that was present near the beach .

"I guessed you have never seen the sun set at the beach before ." He remarked and i nodded , " i was all about studying before i was diagnosed with lung cancer . Didnt try anything much when i was a teenager , kinda regretful now ."

The drive by the beach was perfect and the highlight of the entire day . The sky was just so fucking beautiful . It was my very first time and i knew that even if i had came here a second time or third , it wouldnt add up to this .

It was out of the world and nothing like a painting that was painted by every famous artist out there . It was breathtaking , it was simply magical . The birds that flew across the sky in a straight line with their kinds , the ships sailing , children laughing and love birds together . The sea was so calming and it had deceived me for a moment as i had forgotten about the dangers lurking under . But i wasnt afraid , nothing was more scary than knowing the number of days you have left for yourself . The sea was crystal clear and there were small tides crashing towards the golden sand .

The sunset was the best part yet —

The sun hung in the middle , coming down and as if it was colliding with the sea , creating a beautiful illuminating picture . It seemed simple and nothing out of the ordinary like what every sunset would look like , but it was infact better than what i have seen in pictures and heard the stories told by others .

Jimin waved at the birds and shouted bye , causing many passerbys to stare but i didnt mind him , instead i laughed and did the same .

It was stupid but i was living in the moment .

"Hey lets go collect some sea shells now . We have to be quick cuz the sun is going to descent and the moon will come out soon . " he nudged me and we walked down towards the sandy beach before bending down and searching for any sea shells that were visible to our eyes .

Not long after , i heard Jimin shouting and i ran towards him as he showed me a big white sea shell with a huge smile plastered on his face . He went on and on about how he knew he would be able to find it before i did and the more i knew him the more i felt like i had grown attached to the boy .

Does nurses do things like this with their patients ?
Do i like him ?

"Im giving the first one to you , because you are my first patient and my first priority!" He beamed and i couldnt help myself but to blush once again , upon hearing those words .

Those words had stirred something in me and i just felt a need to do something so rash .

I placed my lips on his and quickly let myself drown in his beautiful brown orbs in his eyes . I was helpless but never hopeless . He was the hope instilled in me . He was the light to my life . I thought i would die with regrets , but no , Park Jimin is here and he's going to live it out with me .

His eyes widened but he stood still , taking it from there .
He leaned in further— until there wasnt any space inbetween us anymore .

He held me close and finally broke the kiss . " i dont know why i did that but i just felt like i had to , you know . " i tried to explained but he hushed me up .

I gulped , expecting a rejection from him , but as he spoke , i didnt know what to say anymore .

"Hey Na Eun ah , i think that we had just completed another task from your bucket list . " he said briefly and my eyes widened at the fact that i was too slow to even take notice .

"Am i — are you— i mean , are we—" i was at a loss for words , my eyes searched his desperately for an answer . My heart was racing and i was on the verge of breaking down in the middle of the beach .

"I'll be your prince , princess ." He smiles and took me by surprise once again , putting his warm lips against mine as i dropped the empty jar and he dropped the seashell that he had found .

I hopped onto him and he held me perfectly steadily as we prolonged the kiss , in the moment .


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