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"Noona." I heard someone calling me and my eyes shot opened .

Looking left and right , i then spotted my younger brother leaning against the hospital wall .

"Get your back off the wall , its going to dirty your shirt , you dumbass ." I hurriedly pulled him nearer towards me and away from the wall .

He smiled sheepishly and turned around for me to dust it all off .

"Aish , when can i stop worrying about you ?" I sighed but my eyes lit up when i saw Jimin entering the wardroom .

My brother bowed down and greeted him and he did the same . Just then , Xena hopped into the room with one foot as well , trailing behind Jimin .

"Hey i was just about to visit you Na Eun . I kinda missed your company." She grinned and i smiled back at her .

"This is my brother , Eun kwang . Dongsaeng , this is Xena , shes a dancer and my friend here in this hospital . Erm , this is Jimin , my nurse and my .."

"Boyfriend . Im her boyfriend ." Jimin smirked at me and laughed right after upon seeing my shocked face .

My face instantly grew red as i couldnt help but to feel awkward and embarassed , but to only see my younger brother happy for me . Xena on the other hand looked down instead and i knew the exact reasons why .

She like him too .

"oh. Im happy for you to have found your other half ." She smiled bitterly . Though i knew she was probably sad , but she was still nice enough to wish us well and leave politely .

"Hey my foot is hurting alittle , I'll just head back for now alright ?" She tried to fake another smile before shutting the door and leaving me with the two of them.

"So , tell me about you two ." Eun Kwang clapped his hands and wiggled his eyebrows at me .

"It just happened when we went out together ." I replied shortly but he poked my waist .

"Cmon , dont keep the details to yourself !" He inched closer and smirked , teasing the shit out of me . This was exactly why i have a love and hate relationship with my brother . Geez .

"Hey erm , i dont think its wise for you to tickle her now ." Jimin said and looked at the tube that was placed on my stomach . " oh , im sorry sis ." He immediately apologized and i just shrugged it off , secretly thanking my guardian angel .

"I guess you two can have a siblings chat now . You can feed her today . today's menu consists of your favourite noodles . Enjoy !" He kissed my forehead before leaving the wardroom, proceeding on to his other hospital duties .

"Hey you didnt tell me that you had a boyfriend . I thought you would die lone—" knowing what he said , he slapped himself on the face before muttering a soft apology .  " its okay , dont worry about me so much , im getting better day by day ." I assured him but he didnt look convinced at all .

"Noona , one day if .. if you pass away . What will i do ? I will be alone in this cold world and im scared , im scared of being alone , i cant survive well ." He looked really sad and concerned but i patted his back , saying words to comfort him back .

When visiting hour was over , i decided to visit Xena to have a heart to heart talk with her . Upon seeing me , she welcomed me into her ward and had me sitted down beside her .

"How did— how did you two get together ?" She asked me , searching answers through my eyes .

"This is kinda embarassing . I kissed him out of a sudden on the beach and he kissed me back . To put it simply i was doing something rash but i didnt expect him to return the mutual feeling . " I said while feeling alittle shy .

She processed my words and nodded , " wah ... im happy for the two of you , im glad that Jimin can move on with another beautiful girl . "

"Im sorry." I apologized and hugged her but she didnt hug me back .

"Dont be sorry alright ? I know that i cant force him to like me back and i already had my fair share of dating him for a few months , its sufficient enough already .  I sincerely wish you all the best and not have my hopes up again . " she smiles genuinely at me and i was thankful for a moment . But i couldnt help but to think that she was saying all these out of sympathy knowing that i would die soon and Jimin would be single again .

Was she just giving way for me ?

"Hey its getting late , you should go rest up ." She nudged me and i nodded , slowly walking back to my wardroom .

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