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A/N please take note :
As i have mentioned in the previous chapter before , i did not check for the time left for lung cancer patients and hence the timing that i have implemented here are therefore not accurate at all .

I'll just write things my way and make sure that i bring up the exact amount of time Na Eun has left instead .




My eyelids fluttered open upon feeling something shift on my stomach . Cars were honking non stop today and it seemed to be raining quite heavily outside . The raindrops were descending in quite a massive volume as it pelted hard against the window pane beside my bed . The blinds that i had on the window were pushed aside and hence i could even see all the dark clouds that had invaded the sky in this area .

My gaze turned to the boy that was laying on my lap . Jimin stirred in his sleep and i could hear light snores from him . My fingers unknowingly went up to his puffy cheeks as it drew an invisible line across his whole face .

"Good morning princess ." He opened his eyes and yawned , shocking me .

"Wheres my morning kiss ?" He pouted his lips and shut his eyes , waiting for me to lean in which i did . He took me by surprise when he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss .

"I dreamt about us . We were engaged and infront of our house was 3 pairs of shoes ; a black pair of heels , a brown pair of boots and a small pink ballet flats . We had a baby girl and her name was Ji Eun , it was given by you . We were so hap—"

The more he went on about it , the softer his voice had gotten till the point that it was shaking . I gripped onto his arms and looked into his eyes, getting lost in them .


"I know its not real but it just feels so nice you know ? Knowing that you are mine and i had a glimpse of the future ."  He went on but i was at a loss of words .

"Im sorry."

"Its not your fault that you had gotten lung cancer . Maybe its just our fate . Maybe you were destined to become my guardian angel instead ." He let out a weak smile .

"Oh and remember what Dr Kim had told us ? He said he had 2 piece of news ... we heard one of them and i went to ask him for the second one . Well i dont know if you would consider a good news but he said that you can choose to go overseas to receive better treatment even though there isnt a high chance of recovery ."

"Im not leaving Seoul . I'd rather just die here in my hometown . I dont want to leave you ." I frowned .

"But you would have a chance of recovery, are you sure you wanna miss that chance ? "

"Yes im very sure Jimin , im not going to leave you , I'll rather live my life out here in Seoul with you . Im staying ." I said firmly , assured of my own feelings . Im not going to be like those typical girls in fanfictions and leave their man .

"Okay ."

"Hey , Lets go to the garden tonight ? I'll come and bring you there around 12 midnight . Im not taking a no for an answer . " He flashed me a smile before running off .

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