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Magical time skip 3 days later ....

Na Eun's POV

I knew that i dont have much time left .
And this time i was dead serious about it .

I felt weak and pain the entire day . It was the worst that i had felt throughout my entire journey of being a lung patient cancer .

I could feel it coming already . Its right about time soon .

The angels are coming for me, arent they ?

Hurriedly , i walked slowly but steadily towards Xena's ward and found her reading some magazines . Upon seeing me , she looked really shocked and insisted that i sit down immediately. And Yes , Xena came back to remove her cast on her legs today .

"Hey are you okay ? You look like you are in major pain and damn your lips are pale as fuck ." She asked worriedly as she scanned me entirely .

"No this can do , i need to tell Jimin about it ." She was about to press the bell for Jimin to come but i stopped her just in time .

"No Xena , i know im going off soon , so i need you to do something for me . Its just a small favour , but its really something big for me . Please dont tell Jimin that i had met you today . " i said while holding back my tears , biting my lips.

"You know , after i go , please take good care of Jimin for me . That boy is just so innocent and precious . It hurts to let him go , more than this whole cancer shit . But the more i think about it , i cant be selfish and have him fooled in this relationship that would never work out from the beginning . I was simply just his first patient who was lucky enough to get a decent boyfriend just before she needs to go . I know you like him , perhaps more than i do . I can see it , im not dumb . You dated him before , it should be easy for you . " I held onto her hands tightly .

"Date him again , take him from me . Date Jimin. " i inhaled and exhaled quickly as i finished my sentence. As much as i wanted to take it back , i knew that i shouldnt . Jimin can't move on as easily without a girl's help , i know it .

"But im not a bitch who steals my friend's boyfriend ! Even if its Jimin you are talking about ." She said frowning , holding onto my shaking hands as well .

"Xena , please listen to me alright ? I will go soon and he will be like a lost sheep , he might lose his direction and go haywire . I need him to be with someone i can trust and i know you will treat him well . You might even treat him better than i can . Please , do it for me ?" Tears started spilling out of my two eyes in a continuous stream .

It was extremely heart wrenching and heart breaking for me to let go of him but i knew that i needed to .

I couldnt be selfish and this is for the sake of Jimin .

"Okay , i'll do it . I'll date him . But please dont go ... so soon ?" Her voice quivered in the end , feeling the waves of emotions overpowering her soul as she began pouring out with me .

I hugged her one last time before giving her a wave goodbye and leaving her ward , slowly walking back to my room .

Halfway there, i spotted Jimin pushing a trolley and i realised that it was almost lunch time .

Its for me .

I quickly dried my tears and hoped that it isnt obvious that i had just cried .

Walking back into my ward , i greeted Jimin with a very much force smile as i was basically almost too weak to move another muscle after coming back from Xena's ward . Hugging, waving goodbye and walking back and forth had drained my energy .

"Hey you look like you are in a bad condition , do you need me to give you more injections to ease your pain ?" He asked me worriedly and i could only see panick in his eyes .

"Ill be fine , dont worry Jimin ." I reassured him and ate the food that he had given it to me .

"Ill feed you ." He said as i watch his hands shake alittle .

Was he nervous ?

"Hey its okay . Im fine , really ." I forced out another smile but little did he knew that i died alittle inside .

Dengdengdeng its nearing the end and uhm things arent looking that well now , isnt it ?

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