Chapter 11

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Louis’s POV

“Louis…” Harry nervously trailed off, his eyes frantically searching about.

I was almost certain that he had never journeyed out of his small neighborhood, let alone this side of town. At first it was quite irritating how naïve the boy was. He was so sheltered and shielded from the harsh realities of the world by his neurotic parents. He had absolutely no clue of what evils lurked outside of his small home and church, me being one of them. I was effortlessly corrupting his pure mind and body single handedly. But in my defense, he was making it all too easy. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so foolish and resilient, we wouldn’t be here right now. He was a challenge in my eyes, a prize to be won. Unfortunately for Harry, I was an expert playing on easy mode. I could see it in his wide doe eyes the very first time we spoke. The way he looked at me in both fear and awe. He saw me as something dangerous and enticing, someone his parents wouldn’t approve of. It was this very innocence that pulled me in like a moth to a burning flame. I knew the first moment I laid my eyes upon the young curly-headed boy that I needed him. I needed to be acquainted with the feeling of his full lips on mine, his silky voice moaning my name as I filled him completely. My impure thoughts sent a wave of heat directly to my groin, making me clench my teeth in frustration.

“Louis, where are we going?” Harry’s voice wavered in distress.

God damn it. If he kept talking I was going to have to stop the car and bend him over right here. I tightened my grip on the wheel and muttered out a “You’ll see.”

The panic was evident in Harry’s features and voice. I saw him glance toward the door and quickly pressed the lock button. Harry was so predictable and easy to read. He would surely injure himself jumping out of a car at this speed but I wouldn’t put anything past him.

A part of me felt bad for putting Harry through this. But an even larger part of me, mainly my groin, took great pleasure in watching him squirm with anxiety beside me.

“Louis, please.” Harry pleaded. I groaned at the sound of him begging. I wasn’t sure who was being tormented more at this point.

The familiar marking came into view and I took a sharp left onto the gravel road.

Harry’s POV

I anxiously swallowed and studied our surroundings. We had left the main part of town a while ago and were now driving through an unfamiliar area. It made me exceedingly uneasy that the roads were becoming more and more remote. I hadn’t seen a single person or sign of life anywhere since we turned off the main road. I had momentarily contemplated launching myself out of the car but Louis quickly shut that down with a quick lock of the doors. It was almost as if he could read my mind. He always seemed to know just what I was thinking.

I bit my lip nervously and looked out the black tinted window, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to spill over.  God, I was such a baby sometimes. I was so paranoid over where Louis was taking me and not to mention my parents were surely going to execute me when I got home. Or should I say if I returned home. My mind whirled with possible scenarios of how this could turn out, none of which were desirable.

At first, I assumed he was bringing me to his house but now I realized the chances of that were slim unless he lived in a tree in the middle of the forest. I looked out at the countless trees whizzing by in a blur and took deep breaths.

I jolted in my seat when I felt a warm hand land on my knee reassuringly. He gave it a small squeeze and smiled at me comfortingly, “Would you relax? I’m not going to kill you.” Louis chuckled.

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