Hey. (Dallon Weekes x Reader)

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Folding the last brown cardboard box closed, you let out a small cheer, proud that you'd actually been able to finish unpacking your things and settling into your dorm before it got too dark for you to take a stroll around campus.

Pulling your phone out of your back pocket, a yawn escaped your mouth as you checked the time.


It was still relatively early, and looking out of the dorm window, you could see that the sun wouldn't be setting for at least another forty-five minutes or so. Looking around at your new place of residence, you internally debated whether or not to go exploring. Before you arrived, the plan had been to find your dorm, get settled, familiarise yourself with the surrounding area and buildings in order to avoid getting lost the next day, and then come back to your room and crash. But once your eyes landed on your bed, you realised just how much energy getting settled had actually drained from you, and the option of taking a rain-check on the whole 'exploring' thing and just going to sleep instead began to look more and more inviting.

You shook your head vigorously and slapped yourself across the face a couple of times to try and summon more energy. Sighing, you grabbed a jacket and headed out the door, deciding that it was probably best if you took a walk around.


The walk was practically uneventful; you were able to become familiar enough with the buildings so that you could at least find your first lesson tomorrow, but other than that, the only thing worth noting was the adorable family of squirrels you had spotted scurrying across the quad. Campus was beautiful – the buildings had gorgeous architecture, the surrounding greenery and nature was vibrant and colourful, and of course, there were tons of cute, tiny animals running about. You'd instantly fallen in love, and you were sure that you were going to love it here.

You trudged your way up the stairs to your dorm, yawning as you dragged your feet through the hallway. The fatigue of the past two days of travelling and unpacking had taken its toll on you, and your vision had become slightly blurred with exhaustion. As you approached your dorm room's door, you noticed a figure coming out of the door opposite to yours.

A very tall, dark figure.

You considered introducing yourself, but the yawn attack you were currently suffering through led you to do the opposite. Stretching your arms up in the air when an especially large yawn surfaced, you reached out to open the door.

At that moment, however, the blurry form of the stranger turned to look at you with what you think was a smile, but you still weren't able to see clearly, so you couldn't be sure. "Hey."

"Hey," you returned his greeting, your voice coming out hectically deeper than usual, since you were mid-yawn. It probably would've been better to wait until after the yawn had passed to greet him, but oh well.

He opened his mouth, about to introduce himself, but the sound of his phone ringing cut him off. With a frown, he reluctantly fished it out of his pocket and answered it. Shrugging, you decided to enter your dorm instead of waiting for him to finish his phone conversation. After all, sleep sounded much better than standing outside waiting for a stranger to acknowledge you. Besides, he probably wasn't even someone worth waiting for.

The moment your drained body hit the bed, you were out.


The next morning, you were exiting the lecture hall after your 8am lesson, half-asleep and not in a good mood. I mean, who would be in a good mood after an arduous 8am lecture with an uninteresting, monotonous teacher who insisted on making all his students take down hand-written notes on everything he says? Yeah, no one. And then there was the fact that you'd overslept and had no time for coffee. All in all, it hadn't been a very good morning.

You slung your bag off of your shoulder and onto a nearby bench table, along with your books, before sliding into the seat. Groaning, you let your head drop down onto the hard wood. The impact stung a little bit, but you were too tired and caffeine-deprived to care.

"Hey." The sound of someone's extremely deep voice sounded, causing you to raise your head, expecting to have to chase away sone buff, incredibly dumb frat boy who was looking for a hook-up.

You got your bitch-face ready, preparing to let rip on the guy, but when you looked up at the person who had greeted you, you were a bit surprised. It wasn't a frat boy; it was a giraffe.

"You look like you could use this more than me," he smiled sympathetically, holding out a cup of coffee to you. He used his normal voice now, which was much higher, and much better suited to him, than the one he had greeted you with.

Okay, it wasn't a giraffe. Well, not a literal one at least. But he was really, really tall.

When you just continued staring at him and made no gesture to indicate that you were about to accept the coffee, his smile faltered a bit. "Oh, uh, sorry. Probably should've introduced myself first," he chuckled nervously, a slight tinge of pink forming on his cheeks. "I'm Dallon. I stay across the hall from you."

Oh, he was the guy from last night! It made sense; he was tall, dark... and good God was he handsome! You wanted to go back to last night and kick yourself for not noticing how gorgeous he was! And then kick yourself again for choosing sleep over potentially having a conversation with him. He had perfectly tousled hair with a few stray strands that hung down to his wonderfully defined cheekbones, eyes the colour of the sea in a storm, and lips that looked just right for-

You closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to rid your mind of any inappropriate thoughts. "I'm (Y/N)," you said, offering him a small smile, which he returned. "I'm also in serious need of caffeine, so if your offer still stands..." you trailed off, eyes travelling from his beautiful face to the cup in his hand.

"All yours," he smiled again, handing over the cup. In retrospect, it probably wasn't the wisest idea to accept a drink from someone you'd just met, but you had an addiction to fuel. Besides, his smile was so stunning, you were sure that if he wanted to kidnap you, he could've just flashed that smile of his and you would've gone willingly. "Oh, and in case you were wondering, the reason I greeted you in such a deep voice was because last night you greeted me mid-yawn and your voice came out really deep," he giggled.

"Sorry," you blushed, hiding behind the coffee cup.

"Don't be," he cocked his head to the side with that smile again, "I thought it was cute."

Yeah, you were really going to love it here.


Thank you for reading x

✓ ❘ 𝐄𝐌𝐎 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒  ─ 𝐌𝐂𝐑. 𝐏!𝐀𝐓𝐃. 𝐅𝐎𝐁. 𝐓Ø𝐏.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora