Finding Jacey

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Louis POV

As soon as we set foot in the forest, it began to pour down rain. I didn't care.

As long as we find some kind of clue to find her, rain or shine would be fine for me.

"Alright, well you guys go this way, well search this way." Harry said, an he grabbed me arm, letting the others go left while we went right.

We walked through miles and miles of trees, well it felt that way. Harry then split with me, an I ran off on my own.

And that's when I saw it.



She was sprawled out on the ground, eyes closed tight.

"Harry!!!" I screamed, but because I was crying, I only hoped he heard me.

"Lou, what happened?! Are you hurt?" He came running back and i shook my head.

Not physically hurt, not at all. But mentally, I was dead. Speechless.

I cried even harder, just staring at my little sisters unconscious body.

What of she's dead?

Harry sprinted over to her, put his ear on her chest, checking for breathing.

"She's still slightly breathing. She has a pulse, but it's small, so of she doesn't get treatment fast, she's going to die Louis. Get Liam, Zayn, and Niall." He half yelled at me, and picked Jacey up bridal style.

I thought he hated her, why did he care so much? I turned around and grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"Come on Ni, pick up." I called Niall, and hoped he would answer.

"Yo Lou." he said, but I could barely hear him, must be the connection.

"Meet us at the hospital across town. Hurry!" I said, and snapped my phone shut.

Harry was already at my car, and I hopped in, pressing on the gas pedal as hard as I could.

And that's all I remember before everything went black.

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