Family Reunion..

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My Daughter's Father..

Harry POV

"No, Harry, don't! I don't think it's a good idea to go."

Louis tried to get me to stay at the hotel with him and the guys, but we were in Doncaster for a concert tonight. We're in Louis and Jacey's hometown, shes here. I had to use that as an advantage. I had to see her.

I parked my car in her father's driveway, and waited for her to come home. I saw her father's familiar car drive up and park next to mine. She got out of the car, she looked more beautiful than she did three years ago. She helped a little girl out of the car, an that's when I had to get out and see her in person.

"Harry..." she gasped, and took the little girls hand in her own.

"Jacey..." I said, looking from the baby back to her.

What was going on? Who is she?

"Mommy, who's this?" she asked, and my mind was so full of what could possibly be happening. Who is this girl? Mommy? Huh?

"Mommy?" I was completely flustered, and have Jacey a weird look. I was confused, what else was I suppose to do?

She sent the girl inside the house, her little body ran slowly up the steps and into the house.

It was awkward for a moment, because neither of us were saying anything at first. I ten decided that maybe I should start.

"Well, uhm, she's uhm, cute." I managed to get out.

She gave me a slight smile, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well...she's your daughter." she said, and I didn't say anything after that. I stood there, and stared at her, my eyes blank and my mind full of so many thoughts I was beginning I lose my breath. My chest and lungs tightened up, and it felt like no air was traveling through my body. I kept still, it felt like I was almost paralyzed.

"Look, Harry. It uhm, it's why I left." she tried to explain, but I couldn't put it all together. Soon, it finally came to me.

That's why she left the tour. That's why she wouldn't speak I any of us for these years. She was pregnant. God, how didn't I notice it? How couldn't I realize my own girlfriend was pregnant? Those days she was sick, and throwing up. She had a baby growing in her belly. My baby. My baby girl.

That night. We got carried away, and it all sort of happened. I didn't mean for her to get pregnant. What's Louis going to say? The guys? What's the media going to do? She won't be able to handle all of that. It's too much.

"What's her name?" I finally calmed down just a little bit.

"Hannah Eve." she said.

It was kind of familiar to my name, Harry Edward.

"What's her last name?" I asked her. I wasn't sure whether I wanted her to take my last name or not. I didn't know what to do at this point. I had no idea what to think. She kept this from me. For three whole years. I missed out on three whole years of my own daughters life? What kinda dad am I?

"Tomlinson." she said and my heart sunk. I guess I did care if she took my last name.

"Oh..." I mumbled, and she came closer to me.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm so sorry for keeping her from you. I just, I just thought that your career was too important to you. You couldn't leave the band to take care of her. So I left." she said.

"Jacey, you kept my daughter from me! You make it sound like I couldn't be a good father, and actually take care of this little girl! I loved you, Jacey. Hell, I still do love you! I never stopped." I confessed and her eyes went big. She didn't know what to say, she was speechless. And quite frankly, at that moment, so was I.

"Harry...I, I don't know."

"I'd like to be in her life from now on. The tour is almost over, tonight is our last concert. Please, Jay." I begged, almost got on m knees.

I want to be the best father in the world. I want to be a good daddy to my baby girl, even thought I have already missed out on three years of her life. I wouldn't let that happen anymore.

"Harry, do you really love me? Do you really want to be with her?"

"No. I want to be with both of you. You and Hannah. Forever. I love you both." I said, hoping she would take me back.

"I love you too, Harry. I was so scared of the further pain."

And I kissed her. I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was because I was still in love with her, or maybe it was because I wanted her to take me back and I hoped hat would help her decision.

It was just like when we were 17, three years ago. We were young and in love, and no love was lost all these years.

Jacey POV

He kissed me, and my heart beated faster than it has in three years.

We pulled apart, and Hannah came back out.

"Mommy, come on! Pappy says its time to eat!" she said.

"Hannah, baby come here. This is...this is your daddy." I introduced them, and Harry took her in his arms.

"Daddy? Are you really my daddy?" she asked him, playing with her curly hair. She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, an cuddled him.

"I love my daddy, momma!" she said, and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"I love him too." I giggled at the two. My family.

"Hannah, how bout we eat later? Wanna go meet your uncles?" I asked her, taking her from Harry again.

"Yes! Yaaay!" she squealed and I set her down.

I went to go tell dad, and he said to bring the boys back. He missed them, especially Louis. So did I.

More than anything. I wanted to see my brother so bad, I would die to see him again.

We drove down to the hotel that Harry pointed out to me, the car was filled with giggles from Hannah.

"Jacey!" the boys yelled, as we approached their hotel room.

"Guys..." I began to cry as my arms wrapped around each of them individually.

"Nialler, I missed you." I said the same to the others too, and jumped into Louis's arms.

"Lou!" I yelled, tears dropping down my cheeks.

"Jay..." he chuckled and hugged me so tight.

"Hi, I'm Hannah." my little girl said, and Louis took her little hand in his.

"You're beautiful, Hannah. Just like your mommy." Louis said and the boys nodded.

I looked at them in disbelief, and they all looked at me and rolled their eyes.

"You can't hide that from us Jacey. We knew from the beginning, before Niall told us." Liam said, and they all nodded.

I didn't smack Niall for telling them, I just didn't know why he didn't tell Harry.

"So, who wants to go see my dad? He wants to see you guys." I said, and we all piled out of the hotel and back into my dad's car.

The whole drive back, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it. It looked like someone was following us in the car behind us, but I shook it off. It happens all the time, right?

I should have been more careful then, because the unthinkable happened.

The next morning, the boys and I woke up. But Hannah didn't. She was gone.

AUTHORS NOTE; OHHH NOOO. Haha, I bet you all seen that coming. So anyways, I was some reviews and a couple fans if you guys want the next chapter. Pretty please with One Direction on top? ;) but One Thing was playing while I wrote this. Thought you'd enjoy that. :3 <33

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