To My Daughter

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To my daughter,
     The past two weekends, I've watched you. I've watched not only you, but I've watched your best friend too. I have had so many thoughts go through my head...
     I love the two of you together and at the same time, I hate it.
     I see the way you look at each other when you don't think others notice, I see a future there.
     I watch him when he's around other girls, I see a young man who thinks that every girl wants him because he does a dangerous sport and is good looking. I see him talking to every girl but you because you are his best friend and he knows you will always be there.
     I watch you, talking and laughing, smiling....
     I watch you when your best friend is around and his friends are taking your side and he's not happy. I see the smile fading away.
     I see hope in your eyes, I see you pretending that nothing he does hurts you, that it will be ok.
     I see you crying because he's hurt you and yet you forgive him.
     I see you in pain, I see you deciding that you will give him some space, I see you hurting because you love someone who doesn't love you back.
     I see you deserving more! I see you deserving to be loved by someone who loves you back, who wants everyone to know how much he cares about you and who doesn't think that he should be talking to everyone but you because he knows you will be there in the end. You deserve someone who doesn't want to hurt you in any way, ever! You deserve a guy who admits his feelings for you, who doesn't care that his friends give him a hard time, who doesn't want to talk to every girl but you. Simply said, you deserve to be treated like a million dollars because you are a beautiful young lady who deserves a guy who wants to be your first boyfriend, your first kiss, his only girl, and to love you and treat you like a princess.
     You have the biggest heart, you are loving, kind, and beautiful. You deserve a guy who sees all of that in you and wants to be with you and you only! 
     If your best friend is really the guy for you, then I support you one hundred percent. But, if you like someone else then that's ok too. If your best friend can't support that, then he shouldn't expect you to be ok with him liking all kinds of girls and ignoring the one who is right in front of him.
     If I had a crystal ball, I'd be able to tell you all the answers but the one thing I can tell you is that you are beautiful inside and out and you deserve to have a guy who sees that. You need to have your best friend in your life, but you don't need to keep doing everything you do for him. You do so many things for your best friend. What does he do for you?
     I've said it before, I see two kids who like each other so much, even when they don't admit it, but are scared because they are best friends. I see it, others see it, you see it and he doesn't choose to see it.  He's the one who is going to miss out. Maybe he's scared because you know each other so well. Maybe he's scared because you are his best friend and he's scared to lose that. I don't know but I do know that right now, you deserve more.  You deserve someone who wants to take you to a movie, or buy you slushes, or who wants to come support you at your sports. You deserve a guy who wants to hold your hand, hang out with you, and who will love you for you. You are a gorgeous girl who deserves more than you are getting.
l love you!

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