To the guy I didn't expect

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To the guy I wasn't expecting,
     Less than two weeks ago, I wrote a letter to my daughter. That letter was written because I had a new perspective. Believe it or not, without knowing you or what the next days would bring, you were part of that letter I wrote. I told her, "I watch you, talking and laughing, smiling...." You were the one responsible for that. I captured a picture of that moment, her standing and talking to you. I could tell in her body language that she was relaxed, she was smiling, and she was happy.
     In my letter, I told her that "I see you deserving more! I see you deserving to be loved by someone who loves you back, who wants everyone to know how much he cares about you and who doesn't think that he should be talking to everyone but you because he knows you will be there in the end. You deserve someone who doesn't  hurt you physically in any way, ever! You deserve a guy who admits his feelings for you, who doesn't care that his friends give him a hard time, who doesn't Snapchat fifty girls. Simply said, you deserve to be treated like a million dollars because you are a beautiful young lady who deserves a guy who wants to be your first boyfriend, your first kiss, his only girl, and to love you and treat you like a princess."
     Now, I don't know what you are thinking, I don't know what type of girls you like, I don't know if my daughter is someone you just see as a friend or if you are hoping for more. What I do know is that you are showing her that she really does deserve more.
     I know that the two of you talking has affected friendships. I also know you are the first guy who has ever stood up for her and taken her side. I know that you are both almost 15 and have your whole life in front of you. I also know that should you choose to be part of each other's life, it will work even with the distance because my greatest regret now was letting the guy I met at 15 get away because of the distance.
     The Mom side of me is scared, scared to see my daughter hurt. I see her falling for a great young man, and I'm scared she will get her heart broken. I've never seen her fall for anyone like she is now. She has always guarded her heart carefully and not let anyone in. You've broken through.
     Im hoping for good things to happen, I'm hoping for a young man who wants to be with her, who wants to support her when she's playing sports, who wants to spend time getting to know her and her family. I'm hoping for someone who wants to invite her over to his house, who wants his family to know her, who wants to do things with her.  Maybe I'm hoping for too much... I hope not though. Maybe you are that guy and maybe you just came into her life at the right time, to show her that she deserves more, whether with you or not.
     Thank you for doing just that. Thank you for being her friend and for bringing back her smile. And, thank you for opening my eyes a couple of weeks ago, to help me see things differently.
Her mom

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