Advice to the Young Man Who Wants to be The One!

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Dear T,
I know that you want to be the young man in my daughter's life. I fully support it, and so does everyone in the family. But, you have a huge obstacle right now, and that is her mindset. You see, H convinced her awhile ago that you are too clingy, and she's holding that against you right now. So, you are going to have to give her some space and some time to see that you aren't.

But, there's always a but.... Don't give up! Her brother-in-law told her last night at his wedding that she's crazy if she doesn't give you a chance because you are the one who will do anything to make her happy and you are the one for her.

So, what does that mean for you? Slow it down and pull back just a little. I know you want to spend time with her and you want to be around her. Ask her to your dance, but do it in a way that makes her comfortable and not pressured. Make it a group date with your friend, M and T. Make sure her best friend is included. She's totally on your side.

Bring her flowers sometime, ask her on a date to the movies or dinner or both. But, then give her a little space between. Text her or have your video calls. If you don't get a response, try again the next day. Play a little hard to get.

Put things in perspective knowing she's never dated, never had a boyfriend, and is probably scared out of her mind. Maybe she's going to need to go on a date with a loser to realize what she has, but then again, maybe not.

I'm doing my part, I'm on your side, and I have a good feeling that you are really the one but it's just going to be a slow dance to get there. Don't give up, but don't make it easy. If she's worth waiting for, then remember it is a small stepping stone now to a bright future ahead.

Her mom

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