The Good During The Dark

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Dear daughter,

So, I wrote a little about the bad that has happened but now, I want to focus on the good. Because see, you are so lucky. You have a "weekend family" that has embraced you. They have given you the opportunity to get away. As a family, we went to Christmas Eve services together, exchanged gifts, and enjoyed an evening together. We took your best friend with us, knowing that with everything going on, he also needed a break. You made pj pants for the boy that joked about opening presents in pjs, you bought him some fun gifts that all had meaning behind them. Your weekend mom lavished you in gifts, giving you gifts that had very personal meaning behind them. You see, she also helped me out with your Christmas shopping. While at the NFR, she purchased a few things for me to give to you. She also bought you a little jewelry box, a cross necklace, and other meaningful gifts. She brought smiles to you. But, most importantly, she gave you the gift of time with their family. 

Over Christmas break, you were able to spend a lot of time with them. You started your break by going to your first jackpot, rode in your first barrel race, earned your first paycheck from running and went to watch bull riding. You spent New Year's Eve with them at a rodeo. You enjoyed every minute of your Christmas break that you were with them. 

Did bull riding go as planned? No, instead you were given a mini heart attack when that boy, the one you liked, your snowcoming date, got stepped on and wasn't moving. You spent the night making sure he was ok, giving him meds, checking on him, getting ice and playing nurse. You showed him that you were there, that you were his friend, and that you were worried. The next day, you headed to a rodeo. You took care of his horse, you showed him what friends do for each other. You loved every minute of those aspects of your Christmas break. 

Over that time, is also when someone new came into your life. That person was a girl that you had been snapchatting with for about a month, someone totally unlikely to be a friend because according to her ex, she was someone you shouldn't talk to. You see, you began to talk to your "best friend's" ex, the girl he tried so hard to keep away from you during the time that he liked her. During your Christmas break, it was the first time that you talked face to face. You told me about it and you weren't sure what to think because of course, you let your best friend influence your thoughts. During this time, when he was becoming less of an influence and you were talking to him less, you decided that you were going to give her a chance and talk to her. We talked about it, and I told you that you needed to give it a chance and realize that he probably told you both negative things about each other to keep you from talking. Who knew what giving it a chance would turn into. 

Just remember that God puts people in your place when you need them the most. He knew how much you needed her and he knew how much she needed you.



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