How Things Change...

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Dear Daughter,

I haven't written anything to you in a few weeks. So much has been happening, so much has been changing. You are a beautiful young lady who is 15 now. You have so much going on and so much that has happened in just a few, short weeks.

The young man who brought back your smile did something else for you, he introduced you to someone who is just like a sister to you already! I haven't seen you have a friend come into your life who you have been so comfortable talking to in a very long time. She is someone that you are comfortable sharing your hopes, dreams, and those girl talk secrets with. You laugh, you plot and you plan.

As your mom, I love seeing you have a girlfriend to talk to because you need one! I can't wait for you two to get to bake brownies, watch chick flicks, and do manis and pedis. You haven't had that experience because we moved you to a small town at a time when most girls had already established their friend base. You also don't have a lot of the same interests as the girls in your grade, you aren't all about the right clothes, the right boys to like, the name brand this and that. You are all about being true to yourself and you should be.

I can't wait for the coming weeks, and months, and all the events that you have going on. Somehow, you always make it all work. I just shake my head, get in the car and take you where you tell me we are going. Keep being you, keep your spirit about you and never forget your roots.

I love you,


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