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Dear daughter,

Today is one of those days that made me realize the future is full of uncertainties. In all honesty, it came in the form of a message that I never thought I would read but should always expect.

Your weekend dad was given an offer for a position today. It's a position that would take your weekend family 18 hours away from you, from us. Now, I haven't told you about this yet because it may not happen. But, I'm making a game plan in case it does because it's going to change your world.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words. With every ounce of my being, I want to pray it doesn't happen but I know that isn't the right thing to pray for. I know it's me being selfish for you, and for me.

The last thing I want is for you to lose your weekend family. They are your safe haven. Their son is the boy that you see a future with. You measure everyone to him and they all fall short. It sounds funny to say that at the ages that you are but it's not just me who notices it. You won't give anyone else a chance. What is going to happen if he moves?

I've already checked ticket prices, I already know what you are going to ask for for your birthday and Christmas and any other time. I know that if this happens, you will be on a plane to spend time with them. And, I'm ok with that.

So, today is about the uncertainty of the future. This part of the story has no answers yet. When you eventually read this, you might be shocked that this was even a possibility. But for now, it's something I can't tell you.

I'm anxious to find out what this outcome will be. I'll have to add to this later. But for tonight, I sit with tears in my eyes even thinking about the possibility.


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