Another Sleepless Night

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Dear daughter,
     You are a very lucky young lady. You have so many people looking out for you. You have your sisters, you have their guys, you have your "big brother" and you have me.
     I know you get frustrated with me sometimes, it's ok. I know you think I don't always listen but I actually do. I know that I have your best interest at heart, every hour of every day.
     I want so many things for you. I want you to stay young and innocent but at the same time, I want you to have that first boyfriend. I want you to stay my little girl always but I also want you to grow into a confident young woman. I want you to stay pure and innocent, I want you to have a guy that respects you.
     I want you to know that you are valued, that you have full control of you. Your mind, your body, and your spirit are all things you and only you has any say about.
     I can't wait to watch you grow up, to experience your first boyfriend, the first time you hold hands. Then, I want to freeze time. That's as far as it goes. Enjoy being 14, almost 15. Enjoy the innocence of childhood and the freedom from the harsh realities of life.
     Take time my sweet daughter, take time.

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