Thoughts on your world

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     Today, I was browsing through Facebook and had two obituaries posted by two different people who live three hours apart. What did they have in common? They were both obits for young people.  One was 18, a senior in high school, a girl. The other obit was for a young man who was 20. I know that the 18-year-old committed suicide. I know that the 20-year-old died unexpectedly at his parent's vacation home. 

     Your sisters have told me that they worry about you sometimes, they worry about the music that you listen to, the depression list music. I think I know you so well, but it makes me worry to hear them worried. You have grown up with a great life, just like those kids. They may or may not have made a snap decision to take their own life based on something someone said, something someone shared on social media, a break up, or any other reason. That is what scares me.

     Do people who make the choice to commit suicide really think about anyone other than themselves? Their pain and suffering may end but they leave behind friends, family, teachers, and others who wonder what they did wrong, what they could have done differently, what they might have said differently.

     Life scares me. Suicide scares me. Having teen children in this cruel world we live in scares me. Just please know that I am always a phone call, text, talk away. Know that your family and friends will love you through anything. Know that NOTHING is solved by suicide. Know that it creates more problems than it solves. Know that once you commit the act, you don't get a choice anymore unless you are really, really lucky. Know that you have too much to live for always.

     Be the friend who reaches out to others, be the person who realizes what is going on and stops it. Be the one who isn't afraid to reach out and YELL for help!

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