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Dear daughter,

Today, we found out an answer. We found out who it is that created a snapchat account pretending to be your best friend. We have a name now. I thought it would bring relief, but in all honesty, it brings sadness. Why would it bring sadness?

One, the young man who did this is also 15 years old. He was embarrassed that he was caught, not embarrassed at what he did. He has sisters, would he want someone doing this to them? I guess there are so many unanswered questions. I am having a hard time even putting my feelings into words over the situation. I started writing and had to stop. I don't even know if I can express the anger, hurt, frustration, and sadness that I feel. 

Your life has changed. With change comes growth. You have grown, conquered and dealt with this. You have chosen to take the high road, to become a better person, to try to not let it affect you. Yes, you switched schools and have dealt with struggles. You lost the person you once considered to be your closest friend, you deal with issues of trust a little more now. But, you remain true to you. 

You are a strong, confident, young woman who is a leader, a delegator, a stand up for what is right girl. You will use this experience for the better. I have no doubt that you will win in the end.

I love you,


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