Life has funny ways...

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To my daughter and "that guy,"

Life's funny sometimes, it holds surprises that we weren't expecting, meeting people we may have never met but were meant to meet. I am a true believer that God puts the right people in our lives at the right time. Maybe we are hurting, suffering, being mistreated or just dealing with the things that life throws at us and we don't know who we have to talk to, who might understand us, or who might defend us. 

I have some hopes for you two. I hope that your friendship can build and that you can both find happiness. I hope that you figure out ways to spend time together (and not just those late night phone calls). I hope that you get over being so shy around each other. I hope that you both realize the person who is in front of you and realize that the person just might be the one who is supposed to be in your life. I hope that you know that if you want to take the chance, it is okay to do that, that it will work. I hope you don't let other people get in the way and I hope you don't let the distance scare you away.

I went back tonight and I read all of the "letters" that I have written so far, and I fought the urge to change some of the things that I said. You both should know that the first letter wasn't written about the two of you. But, that being said, it could have been. Had I written that just two months later, I would be talking about the two of you. Some of those letters are written about you two, and I meant every word that I wrote. Some were written about a best friend, a person who hurt one of you in more ways than I want to admit. I am thankful to him for one thing though, and that is the fact that he is the reason the two of you started talking a couple of months ago.

That same best friend has shown that he isn't much of a friend to either of you though. Instead of being supportive, he has tried to put road blocks in the way.  Instead of being happy, he has tried to say not nice things to keep you apart. I know why he is doing it, it is the same reason he has done so many other things. I just hope that the two of you can be stronger than that and can stand up to and for each other. 

What is my wish for the two of you? I wish you a future. I wish for you to know that God put you in each others life at the right time, when you needed it the most. I wish for you to continue to grow as friends, and hopefully more. I wish for the two of you to continue the late night phone calls and for you to figure out that the distance you live apart can only make things better. I wish for you to support each other in your sports, in your hopes, and in your dreams. I wish for you to have facetime or skype "dates" where you watch movies together or just talk. I wish for all of the right things that I see between the two of you. Most of all, I wish for you both to be happy. 

I see nothing but good things ahead for both of you. I see that you are very much alike in so many ways, that you enjoy a lot of the same things, and that you can laugh and make fun of each other when the time is right. I also see that you are two kids that have big hearts and that you are both really shy around each other. I see that you are also kids who care deeply, love fully, and would do anything for those that mean the most to you. I hope you see in each other what I see in the two of you.

I have enjoyed that you have included me in some of your discussions, and that you put up with the stupid things that I might say without thinking. I love that you are both close to your moms, have older siblings that you don't relate to that well, and have parents who are setting examples of what love is for you by being married and keeping your families as dysfunctionally normal as families with two parents can be! Grow in your friendship, grow in the way you are so passionate about so many things and hopefully grow with each other. Go back to that first letter that I wrote. Those kids could be the two of you. Don't regret for the rest of your life not taking the chance with each other because "life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride." 

1st Corinthians, Chapter 13, verses 4 - 6 states that "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." and this is the verse I leave you both with. These words are words that you need to think about if you ever decide to take the chance and to fall in love. These also hold true for you as friends. Be patient with each other, be kind. Don't be easy to anger for being angry with one another doesn't solve problems, it just creates others. If you love each other, as friends or more, you will do stupid things but you need to remember to always talk through it. Don't hold it inside. The key to any friendship or relationship is communication. Communicate openly now and it saves a lot of heartache later. Don't be afraid to talk, even when it is about the tough stuff because it is better to talk it out than to hold it in or to lie or withhold something because you are afraid of the reaction you will get. I tell you that because sometimes you need to know that some of us have a little more life experience and would rather you learn from the mistakes we have made so you don't have to go through the pain of experiencing it yourselves. 

I wish you more....


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