Do you see it?

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Dear Daughter,

The past few weeks, I have asked myself how do you not see it. What is it you don't see? You have a young man who has come into your life who is like no other. I never thought I would say this but he really is the person I can picture you being with forever. I hear you saying, but mom.... I know, you are 16. But, I also know your goals, plans, and hopes for your future. If I could only share with you what he has told me about his goals, plans and hopes, you would see that they line up perfectly. Not only that, but he has the utmost respect for you! He totally gets that you need to be in control, that you are freaked out by being touched, that you don't like surprises. He is trying to learn everything about you so that he can do all of the right things and be all of the things that you need.

So, what makes me think he is the one for you? He, like you, has life planned out. He, like you, wants to farm the family farm. He wants to be able to be your partner, to support you with your horses and barrel racing, to build you your arena. He wants to let you sleep in, have lazy days, pursue your dreams, and be your best friend and partner in life. He wants you to hang out with your best friend, to have crazy girl time and fun. 

You two, together, would be the couple that everyone looks up to as an example of who they want to be. You would be the couple that prays for and with each other. You would grow as best friends and take all those first steps together.

I know that there is something holding you back... You don't realize that I've heard you on the phone, I've heard the I love you too. Those aren't words you just say. I've never heard you say them to anyone else. If you could look through my eyes when I see you and T together or hear you on the phone, you would see what I see and hear what I hear.

I've questioned whether it's time to have a heart to heart with you. I decided that maybe it's time for you to read this. Maybe it's time for you to see what I've seen for the past couple of years. Maybe it's time for us to have a mature, mom to daughter conversation about everything.

Are you scared? Are you scared to take a chance because if it doesn't work you lose someone so close to you? Are you scared because if you take a chance and it doesn't work, then some of your plans and hopes and dreams don't happen either? Are you scared that if it works, you will be happy and you haven't had that chance? Are you scared that this could possibly be forever? Are you scared about him going to school? Are you scared that it will be like the past and when you are at that happy place, it will all come crashing down? Have you considered letting yourself take a chance? You won't know until you try and give it a chance. But, tell yourself a time frame. I'm going to give it 6 months. I won't make any decisions in those 6 months. I'll see where things go and how things work. I won't let myself get scared and break up, I won't let a fight stop us. You have the best support system. Your best friend wants to see this happen, both sets of parents, your siblings. We all see what can be and all of us are here for the two of you.

And, for that hold up... Does it have anything to do with Oklahoma? Sometimes, I think it does. But then, I question why it would because he's so far away.

I love you daughter, more than you could ever imagine.

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