To Her Best Friend's Mom

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To her best friend's mom,

It is hard to believe that you walked into my daughter's life just two months ago. Thank you. Thank you for raising such great kids. Thank you for treating my daughter like she is your own. Thank you for telling her what she needs to hear because you don't pull the punches with her. She has her weekend mom, and is also lucky enough to have another mom now, you. 

When I see Kylee with your family, I see comfort. She has a best friend that she has never had, a girl she can confide in, a girl who is like her sister. I see two girls who took the chance to meet and talk even when someone else tried to prevent it. I see two girls who bonded immediately. You see, they have mom's who have taught them to make their own decisions about people, to give people a chance, and to believe in themselves and their decisions. 

Thank you for letting us take your daughter on adventures, for barely knowing us but letting us take her for a weekend. Thank you for letting her go on adventures with her and her weekend mom, for trusting that they will take care of her. Thanks for knowing that we will keep her safe. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of your families life. The past two months, our family has expanded to include your family. I see the love that you have for my daughter too. She honestly is the luckiest girl in the world because she has gained your family. She has gained her best friend, the boy she is destined to be something with (who knows... not us), and another older sister who she loves as much as she loves her own. Most importantly, she is seeing strong role models in a family that supports one another, hangs out together, and loves each other fiercely. 

I don't believe in coincidence, I believe in a God who knows just what we need. My daughter needed your daughter, she needed you. She needed the boy who is helping her heart heal.  All of you are pieces of her puzzle that fell into place when she needed it most. I see that her relationships are a little bit different with all that she has been through but one thing she has with your daughter is complete trust. She loves her like a sister. 

I can't wait to see what the next months, and years bring. Thank you for being another mom for her, thank you for raising a young lady who is by far the best friend she has ever gained, and thank you for making her a part of your family. 


Her "bio" mom :)

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