the end... or the beginning

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Dear Kyles,

This is it. This is the end, or as I'm hoping, it's the beginning of a new chapter, a new book, new chances. If you've made it this far, you've seen lots of raw emotion from your mom. You've seen my thoughts as things have happened in your life.

Will you like my perspective on everything? No, I'm sure you won't. But, would I change anything? No, I wouldn't do that either.

Why did I do this? I missed the opportunity with your sisters. I wish I had written more, prayed more, and had more honest conversations with them. With you though, I have the chance. I started this awhile ago, almost 2 years ago, when I started to see a friendship that reminded me so much of me. I didn't think you were ready to hear it then, so I waited. I said I would know when the right time is to share with you. For reasons I'm not sure of, I think it's time. I think you have an amazing future ahead of you. I've been praying for you every morning and every night. I've been asked to pray for you too. I've always prayed but what I've been praying has changed.

Are you ready for that heart to heart? Are you ready to listen? Only you know that answer. All that I know is that I love you. I love you too the moon and back, I love you too infinity. I just want to see the best for you.


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