Tough Goodbyes and New Beginnings

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Dear Daughter,

January was a month of tough goodbyes and new beginnings for you. You had been looking forward to your dance for months, you had the date, you ordered an awesome boutonniere that was full of meaning. You had the dress, you had the plans. And then, you were in the situation of changing schools just the week before the dance. When we talked to the school about changing schools, the one thing I insisted on for you was that you would still be able to go to the dance. The administration agreed, in fact, they told you that you are welcome to all future dances. 

You didn't get the chance to say goodbye, you told very few people that you were leaving. What should have been your last day at school turned out to be a snow day. You would have to return to take exams but you were doing that at a time when the other kids were not at school. You would return in a week for the dance you had looked forward to for months. At this time, your best friend was no longer going to be able to attend because everyone was too worried about his safety at the dance. The dynamics had changed. You had been looking forward to attending with your date, your best friend, and his sister and date. You no longer knew what was going to happen.

The weekend before you started at your new school was a weekend with your weekend mom. You went to a jackpot, to bull riding (where you prayed that your date for the dance the next weekend didn't get hurt), and then she surprised you with a mani/pedi on Sunday morning. You had a wonderful weekend before your new adventure began. 

Monday.... You started your new school on the first day of their new semester. It also happened to be pajama day because it was their cominghome week. You asked me on Sunday to take you shopping for pj pants. You told me that you were going in like you owned the place, not sticking out like the new kid. And, you did just that. Teachers didn't know that you were new to the school because you went in and started to meet people immediately. You were one of the lucky ones. You moved to a new, smaller school where you have about 80 kids in your graduating class. You sacrificed so much for this move but you are working through it. You are making friends, you are figuring out how to get involved, and you are getting caught up on the classes.

You couldn't wait for Saturday. The dress was steamed, a friend was lined up to get ready with, hairstyles had been practiced and the debate over shoes had been decided. I mean, who doesn't wear cowgirl boots with a fancy formal dress. Your date had a wrestling tournament that day, and his mom kept sending updates. He was coming right from wrestling to our house to get ready so you could go to dinner. Things hadn't been good with your best friend but he showed up that day too, all dressed up to go to dinner. It was like old times, I took pics of the two of you goofing around, him spraying your hair, talking about how you had your date and how he was going to make sure you two had fun. The five of you went out to dinner, us moms snuck the bill and paid it. You were determined that you were buying dinner for everyone but we didn't let you. We took pictures, you went to the dance, and you had a wonderful time. It was almost all that you wanted with a few exceptions that we don't even need in your memories. That was it, your last event at your old school, your last hurrah. You spent the night dancing and making memories.

Sometimes the goodbyes are tough but the new beginnings are  welcome. You have seen it first hand. You are living it. You are showing just how tough you are.



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