23: kik- castiel

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Castiel woke up to gleaming sunlight and a spinning room. He blinked a few times and then started to sit up, which ultimately ended in him lying back down on the bed.

He ran a hand through his hair, and then stared up at the ceiling, thinking about who put those stars on his ceiling.

This is not my house. He finally concluded.

He started to look around the room in front of him, noticing how many clothes were on the floor, and then noticing the lack of clothes on himself. His eyes scanned over a few pieces he knew did not belong to him and then finally brought himself to look over the bed he was laying in.

And there he was.

Mr. Perfect.

And he was lying next to Cas.

In the same bed.

Without clothes.


Cas did a double take. He looked back at the clothes on the floor, before glancing back over at the beautiful human lying next to him.



Castiel's mouth was gaping open, as he brought his head up to look and see if he was really there. He stuck a finger out and gently poked his shoulder.

Yep he's there.

Cas turned to the bedstand and fumbled for his phone, which was luckily sitting right there next to a red cup, which Cas concluded was his due to the pounding headache he was experiencing.

He unlocked it and quickly started typing.

cassiopeia: oh my god

cassiopeia: dean holy shit

cassiopeia: dude emergency rn

Castiel was typing away on another message to wake Dean up, when he heard buzzing from across the room.

Perfect find this guys phone and find out who he really is!

Cas flipped the covers back from the bed and quickly sat up, soon regretting it by the fleeting pain running to his skull. He grabbed his head and put his feet on the floor, taking one step in front of the other as quick as he could manage without falling down.

He kneeled down next to their pile of clothes and started sorting through what was his. Cas was slipping back on his clothes, as he sent another text to Dean.

cassiopeia: you're not gonna believe this one

The phone buzzed again, signaling to Cas the brown leather jacket the phone was hiding out in. He finished buttoning his white shirt and then fished through the pockets until he found the little black device.

Castiel stood back up with the two phones in his hand, clicking the home button on the one that wasn't his. The phone didn't unlock, but instead read all of his notifications. Including the top four.

cassiopeia: you're not gonna believe this one

cassiopeia: dude emergency rn

cassiopeia: dean holy shit

cassiopeia: oh my god

Castiel held the phone in his hands, reading the notifications over and over.

No way.

No fucking way.

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