25: kik

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Impala67: cassssssssssssss

Impala67: I just got back to my apartment and it is freaking hot as hell in here

cassiopeia: or maybe it's just you

Impala67: ha ha ha very funny

cassiopeia: gabe just dropped me off at my apartment and it was super awkward like he didn't say a word to me the whole drive... what if he knows?

Impala67: so what? It's just your bro

cassiopeia: haha yeah well... not all of us have a Sam for a brother. He's probably tell my mom and then she'd like... kill me... violently

Impala67: pretty sure murder is always violent cas

cassiopeia: halpppppp meeeee

Impala67: well maybe like see if he knows ??

Impala67: before you start freaking out

cassiopeia: oh you right

cassiopeia: I'll get back to you on that one

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