Chapter 17: Taken

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"I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."


His worries were confirmed the very next day when he received an email from an unknown, untraceable source. The email itself was little more than a link, and he clicked on it with a sort of knowing fear that only comes with careful thought.

It was a video, little more than ten minutes long.

It started with a very dark, musty looking room. In the center of it was a wooden chair, and tied to it with leather bonds was a person with a hood over her head. She looked filthy, the clothing she was wearing was smeared with dirt, and what little skin on her neck was visible had a large bruise on it. There was a cut on her collarbone that would most likely result in a scar. Three men surrounded the person. One on each side, and one behind her.

"Do you remember?" an accented voice called from off camera, "When you tried to have Suki Della killed?"

The hooded figure nodded slowly. A fair haired man walked up, the source of the voice, and looked at the camera with a glint in his eye.

"Tell me, what did she look like?"

A shake of her head. No. I won't.

The man's smile turned to a snarl of hatred, and he ripped the hood off with little care of how uncomfortable the sudden light felt.

James almost gasped at the sight.


Her hair was a complete mess, and her make-up, once perfect, was completely smeared. She had blood stains around her nose. She had probably been punched.

The man turned towards the camera. "Mr. Moriarty," he spoke in a misleadingly soft tone now, almost sweet, "I understand that you sent your little girl here to kill my fiance."

He looked towards Beth with a look of amusement. "I have to admit, she did a good job. Almost found out how to hack into my computer. But you weren't good enough, were you?"

Beth stayed still, and the man grabbed her by her hair and forced her to look at him. "Answer me!"

"I-I..." she looked towards the camera, keeping herself in check, "Screw you."

"She's feisty, too," he smirked once more, suppressing a laugh as she jerked herself away from his hand nearing her face, "And very pretty..."

Her restraints kept her still, yet she still tried to turn away when his hand tenderly caressed her cheek. "What is your name, darlin'?"

No reply.

"I repeat: What is your name?"

Beth sensed the threat in his tone, and she figured it was better to tell the truth.


"Ooh. Beautiful Beth... It fits."

His henchmen all gave uncomfortable nods to each other. The man smiled towards the camera.

"You're quite fond of her, aren't you, Moriarty?"

He waited for a moment, as if expecting an answer.

Beth tried to jerk away form him as he got close again, and he had to hold her still once more. His henchmen grabbed her by her neck. If she moved, it would hurt.

The man brought his lips to hers, and she fought him as best she could. He forced her to kiss back, and she tried not too as best she could. Muffled cries escaped her, and she gagged as he moved away.

He licked his lips, and finished the video with him gesturing for the guards to take her away.

They undid her restraints, and she was almost sobbing as they grabbed her by her ankles, and dragged her off.


I hope you liked the chapter! It's been so long since I've posted twice in a night! Debate and band have been FREAKING INSANE SINCE I KINDA SUCK AT BOTH AHHHHHHHHHHgnksjajghlkashglkahgilh-

Anyway, song and vid aren't mine.

I am so sorry how the chapter got kinda.... Well, bad. Slightly suggestive. I am so so sorry. I got bored and tired and my writing gets like that when I'm bored and tired.

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