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It was now the next day and i'd barely slept. Alex had come down with a serious cold, I was contemplating getting the doctor to listen to his chest. He was coughing an awful lot, his eyes are red and he's only drinking and barely eating. I was hoping it was just a simple cold.

H: Just landed, can't wait to see you x

I rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood to see him. I had returned back to our place, I didn't feel I could be around his home when there were things he was clearly keeping from me.

Alex had fallen asleep in my lap refusing to sleep anywhere else today. It was only just after one in the afternoon.

I stroked Alex's hair, he felt warm so I moved the blanket down a little bit. He played with one of the rings on my fingers as he slept, it made my heart melt. I hate when he's sick.

Around an hour later I hadn't moved, Alex was in a deeper sleep and I was able to move him to sleep on the sofa solo rather than on me but I wanted to stay beside him to make sure there were no changes.

I had the tv on a low volume as I read through some emails.

My phone vibrates against my leg and I answered without looking.


"Hi babe, it's me." Harry sounded tired.


"Where are you? Thought you'd be at mine,"

"Alex is sick so I wanted him home,"

"Is he okay? What's wrong with him?" My resolve softened a bit at his worry.

"Just a cold but I think it's sitting on his chest. He's coughing a lot,"

"I'll come over now, do you have medicines and things?"

"Yeah I do. You don't have to come over,"

"Oh, I thought maybe we could spend some time together.." His voice sounded dejected and I felt bad for sounding so blunt.

"Course, I'm so tired I've probably had about four hours of broken sleep."

"I'll come over babe, see you soon."

I swallow. "See you in a bit."

Alex was still asleep when Harry arrived. I put my finger to my lips to indicate to be quiet.

Harry kissed and hugged me in the kitchen. "I've missed you so much,"

I smile up at him but in that second I think back to the scan photo in his drawer.

"What is it?" He frowns as I take a step back.

"How was New York?" I ask ignoring his question. I open the fridge and take out some fruit salad I'd made.

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