Chapter 14; Scary Movies? Oh Hell No!

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Fuck a song. Instead you get the amazingness that is better in the sidebar. BUT DUDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO GERARD'S HAIR? It's BROWN? When did this happen? And why wasn't I notified? I've lost count of the times Gerard has dyed his hair and what color. I'm done. *throws hands up*

ANYWAY. They won a Kerrang award! I voted for them of course. And you bitches better have too.

I love how Mikey smiled. MIKEY SMILED. I CAN'T TAKE THIS. *screams into pillow*

And Frank's just chillin there. Now, I'm not really a Frank girl, but I can't deny his adorableness in this video xD And is it just me, or does he have sex hair? ;3 And the whole time I was just staring at Gerard's hand and thinking about how nasally his voice is... and how awkward it is that I think it's insanely cute xD


Not much happened within the next month. My Chemical Romance had another gig. This time, no one got drunk. Well, Gerard did but we all expected that.

Now we were a mere week away from Halloween and I couldn't have been more excited to get some free candy. I was celebrating my eagerness by being a lazy fuck and watching TV on the couch.

"Stella?" My dad appeared next to the armrest of the couch. I saw that he was wearing work clothes - a white dress shirt, nice shoes, and slacks. As he did his tie, he said, "There's been an emergency at work, I have to go. So -"

"Wait. An emergency? You're an accountant. What kind of emergency could there be?"

"I don't know, a math emergency?" he said in a how-the-fuck-would-I-know tone.

I grimaced. "I hate math."

He shrugged. "Genes,"

"But you're an accountant?"

He looked me in the eye. "Exaclty."

"I get it now."

"Anyway, as I was saying before, since I need to go to the office, you need to go to a friend's house and stay there. You can even stay the night if you want to."

I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't need to go to a friend's house. I can stay home alone. I'm sixteen." I said haughtily.

He raised an eyebrow. "Last time I left you home, the place was a mess."

"In my defense, I had Jason and Alexa to distract me -"

"You have those guys and that one girl now."

"Well that's different -"

"You almost set the house on fire."

"Okay, that may be true but it was so long ago! I was young and immature -"

"You were fifteen. It was barely a year ago."

I fell back on the couch.

My dad smirked. "That's what I thought."

"Who do you want me to go to?"

"That one boy seemed nice - who was he?"

I gave him a cheeky look. "You know his name, Dad."

"Mmm... Well it might've been something that began with an 'M'..."

"Don't even."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, go over to Mikey. There, happy? He's a nice boy, I approve."

"That's what I thought, Daddy."

"Don't make me lock you a closet."

"Okay sorry I'll call him right now."

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