Part 2 Chapter 37

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AN;  I've been doing a lot of writing over winter break, and I've written four chapters so far, and I have plenty of stored up goodies for you guys! Oh and guys I've already written the last chapter, so this story does have an ending? Can anyone guess it?  Anyways thanks for reading- Sam(:

Ps. Sorry for all the weird updates you've been getting Wattpad is being funky.

Pss. Three weeks from the 6th if I haven't updated yet blow up my inbox with messages to remind me.

My eyes flew to the double doors that Amber had stacked various pieces of furniture in front of. There was another bang, and a chair went skidding back from the room.

Unfortunately or made fortunately , this building did not have a big glass window, or any windows low enough to peer out of, so we couldn't see what was happening outside. The only existing windows were closer to the high ceilings, than our heads. But if I had to guess, I bet it was a mob of drooling people waiting for us beyond that door.

"Tell me how do I send away to find the souls and return them to their owners?" I asked out loud to the spirits.

"You can't send us away, not here in this world. You need to get us close enough to those creatures that you can see the features on their faces. There is not enough energy in the air here to bind us to you from a distance. We can't wander far without becoming lost from you, though we're tied directly to your soul, your soul is weak here in this world. The only reason we're still here is the binding weapon you hold in your hand. As long as it does not leave your solid flesh, we will remain with you."

"Well, how am I going to do that!?" I snapped. "I can't leave this building, and that was I thought you could help me with!"

But then an idea occurred to me, no my body couldn't leave this building but... my soul perhaps could!

"Amber!" I called, who had now was attempting to push the furniture back in place.

"Get over here and help me for the last time please, or they only way this barricade is going to hold is if we both work on building it! " she replied through gritted teeth while she shoved another piece of furniture in front of the door.

"I do need you to stop what you're doing and come over here and stop my heart."

Amber turned towards me, her face a giant question mark. "What!?" she asked, "Why do you need me to do something like that!?"

"There's a possibility that some spirits that are attached to me can help me return those drooling people outside to normal," I explained. "But to do it I need to be close to the original monsters that came from our world as I can. I obviously can't walk out of here and make it through the crowd outside alive, so I need you to stop my heart with a little zap of your lighting and then bring me back. That way I can take these spirits with me as a ghost and avoid being killed.

"How long can you be dead for?" she asked, her expression shifting from confusion to concertation.

"Oh, how long?" I asked, a little surprised by how accepting she had been so quickly of my suicidal request. "I'm actually not sure. I know too long, and it'll take me at least a day to revive..."

"Okay you are limited to five minutes, we don't have a day to wait and who knows if you would even revive in that amount of time. How fast can spirits travel? I'm assuming you know."

I nodded, she was right. I hadn't just been sitting around in purgatory for 400 years waiting to get stronger.   I had almost spent it learning. That and trying to avoid the boring talkers of purgatory.

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