Part 2 Chapter 44

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"Here's the plan. We are going to create a surplus of what our elements needs. In this case, the energy that fifth element users need comes from the act of sacrifice. We can make a few smaller sacrifices around you. And the energy released should make up for the difference of the energy lacking from not using a real person as a sacrifice."

She waved her hand and all at once five tall figures made of shadow with glowing white eyes appeared behind her in the dark, "Go get everyone and tell them the crow calls," she said and sent them off with a flick of her wrist.

"You have spirits that serve you too?" I asked her, the shivering in my body had lessened and her and Henry's voice had grown closer, while the ringing sound had stopped torturing my eardrums and now had ceased altogether.

"Yes, how do you think I knew how to bind your spirits? I've bound plenty of spirits in my days." She brushed her thick curly hair from the left side of her neck, revealing a thin white scar running along the other side of her neck. "I had a bit of channeling weapons implanted under my skin, and so does everyone who is permitted to use their abilities. Speaking of which..." She twisted around in her chair and reached behind her and produced my channeling spear and set it down on the ground beside her. "You will be needing to use this, I imagine, to cast your element."

"But before we continue this conversation, I need you to know. Violet no matter how you perform this ritual, you still need to sacrifice a high being to activate your powers, and with that, there will always be pain involved. Of course, I can still perform the ritual in your place, but if I do it, it will cause far more deaths because I will require a lot more lives than you would have. I'm talking at least fifteen more."

"Henry..." I shot him a panicked look, "I thought, I wouldn't have to kill someone. And I can't let Alyzzea sacrifice someone!"

Then a thought occurred to me, "Wait, Henry, before we came over here, Lacy, guardian angel,  told me I needed to bring Arnold with me. So he has to have something to do with being able to do this."

Henry met my gaze, and his electric blue eyes fell to his hands, before returning his focus to Alyzzea, "Is it possible we can use a fake higher being, one that is artificially created?"

Alyzzea eyes lit up and she leaned forward in her chair"In theory, it would be possible, back when seventh element users were just as common as we were, they used to sometimes create such beings for our rituals, but this was a far lower success rate than if you used a regular sacrifice. I'm assuming you are thinking about using that young seventh elemental user you brought with you to create this artificial being? Although, judging by the fact that he is still a child, he most likely doesn't have the skill to create on that level yet."

"What do you mean by level? What exactly does he need to create?" Henry asked.

"Something with feeling. It doesn't have to be as complex as an actual human being, but it needs to be able to feel emotions like love and hate."

"He can do something like that," Henry answered, "at least I know for sure he can create hate in his creations and I'm sure he can create whatever other emotion you need him to. I was with that little freak for a year and I watched him do things that weren't supposed to be possible, and hope aren't possible again."

"Of course, I'm not sure if he can create the higher being that you were considering, so we will just have to continue to move forward with this and hope it meets your approval. But what is this thing about deadly consequences? How high are the risks?"

"The risks, Violet may end up sacrificing herself instead of the artificial life, and her sacrifice won't even count, because she can't wield the power of her death if she's dead. There is a one out of three chance this will happen with the artificial being, while with the traditional way it's only a one out of twenty chance. Of course, that's one of the less nasty risks. You also run the risk of several other nasty things occurring that would make you wish you were dead. Would you like me to list them?"

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