Current Standings

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Hello. Thanks to everyone who has voted. Don't worry, I'm going to give everyone a few more days to vote. I just wanted to let everyone know how the voting's going so far. Here's the standings.

Cameron: 5  

(Not very surprising. Cameron seems to be a favorite among many)

Damien: 4

(Actually very surprising... I didn't think many liked Damien)

Henry: 1

(I guess this was to be expected. No one really seemed to be interested in Henry. Maybe it was just his character design overall...? )

Hunter: 4

(I was quite shocked to see that Hunter tied for second with Damien. I thought he'd be in 3rd. Guess I was wrong)

Lyle: 3

(Very shocking. I thought Lyle was going to be first, or tied for first with Cameron. Guess I was wrong)

If you haven't voted, please go to the 'Voting Time' chapter, and place your votes there. It's much easier than trying to look at two chapters. Remember, two votes per person! And you can't vote for the same person twice! Later! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now