Chapter 5: Walk away

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*Still the same day*

A/N: I'm sorry I keep everything on the same day. I just need to learn to work on chapters and make them longer than trying to get as much done as I can.


When we arrive at the nurse she immediately starts to work. I didn't know my fall was that bad.

The nurse is maybe in her late 50s - early 60s. But she is very nice and gentle.

"Braden, can you help set her down right here." she says.

Braden does as he is told. He sets me down on a very uncomfortable chair. He still has a look of concern in his eyes and I have no idea why.

"Braden, you can leave now. I know you have better things to do." I say, still with the laziness in my voice.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going anywhere." and he grabs my right hand.

"Braden, hold this ice pack up to her head." the nurse says.

"Okay." he says.

Braden takes the ice pack and let's go of my hand and places it right where I hit it. The cool feels good on my head. Braden looks right into my eyes. I give him a weak smile.

The nurse is examining my wrist. She says I only sprained it, but it hurts worse than that.

"Honey, how hard did you hit your head?" she asks.

"I don't know. Hard enough to make my vision blurry. And hard enough to make me light headed after I stood up."

"Okay. Did you pass out after you stood up?"

Braden immediately jumps in and says

"No. But she was about to. I helped her up and she said she could get to you by herself. I decided to see if she could. She barely took ten steps and almost fell over."

"Claire, honey, I'm going to have to ask you to stand up and tell me how you feel." she says.

I immediately get nervous. I don't wanna pass out. 'Cause if I did I would be so embarrassed. I'm just gonna lie.

I stand up and Braden supports me by holding my waist. I suddenly feel dizzy. I'm not gonna show it on my face. Instead I say I'm fine.

What happens next shocks me.

Braden leaves.

~~~time lapse to the next day~~~~~

I have a sprained wrist and a mild concussion.

When I walk into school I see the boys who tripped me. When they see my wrist wrapped up the begin to fake cry and imitate Braden helping me.

They are imitating the whole thing! It's driving me crazy! They use high voices to imitate me and low voices to imitate Braden. It is so rude and embarrassing!

But then, one of them pretends to pass out. And the other walks away. Then they start laughing. Braden sees them and looks at me with a sad look on his face. He tries to come to me but I turn around and walk away.



What do ya think?



Horribly bad?


Lemme know!

Be happy!


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