Chapter 13

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-About eleven months later-
It's been a over a year since Harry and I met and started dating. It's been almost a year since Harry left for university with Liam. It's been four and a half months since Harry and I have had an actual proper conversation. I understand that Harry's busy with school and the new part time job that he got, but he wouldn't even let me go visit him on campus. Today is the day that Louis and I are going on tour of the campus. I'm kind of hoping that we see Harry. I haven't seen him in so long. I miss him a lot. Unlike Harry and I, Louis and Liam were doing amazing. Their relationship was super strong and they saw each other every other weekend. Liam keeps reassuring me that Harry still loves me, but I was starting to doubt that now. I mean, he won't even talk to me anymore. How is that love?

"Ni, we're here." Louis said, nudging me. I nodded. We were on the bus to go to the university. It was a school trip, so we were excused from our classes. We stood up and followed everyone else off the bus. The teacher that came with us started talking, but I ignored him. Instead, I looked around. I've been here before. I already know where everything is. Harry and Liam showed Louis and I when we helped them move into their dorm room. Louis grabbed my arm, bringing me out of my thoughts again.

"Let's go find Li and Haz." He said when I looked at him.

"Don't we have to stay with the group?" I asked. Louis shook his head.

"If you had been paying attention, he said we can go on our own, we just have to make sure we're back before two o'clock." I nodded and Louis started dragging me towards the dorm rooms. No doubt we were heading to Liam and Harry's. We took the lift up to their floor and walked towards their room door. There were two voices shouting inside. Liam and Harry. They sounded like they were arguing. Louis went to open the door, but I stopped him and pressed my ear to it instead.

"You have to fucking tell him, harry!"

"I can't, Liam! I fucking promised him!"

"Exactly! You barely talking to him and not letting him see you is fucking tearing him apart and I can't even fucking help him because it's not my secret to tell!"

"What secret?" I whispered to Louis, who shrugged, just as confused as me.

"Then fucking tell Louis and get him to tell him. I can't do it. It's going to ruin everything. I fucking love him!"

"You have a funny way of showing that and I'm not getting my boyfriend to tell yours that you're a cheating dick just because you don't have the balls to do it your damn self." As soon as those words left Liam's mouth, my heart shattered and tears clouded my vision. I looked at Louis, who looked like he was ready to bust the door down.

"L-Lou? I want to go home." I whispered.

"Oh, Ni." He frowned, pulling me into his arms. I heard the door swing open and a gasp.

"Ni? Lou? What are you guys doing here?" Liam asked.

"Campus tour." Louis said. I peaked out of Louis' neck and saw Harry standing frozen behind Liam. A sudden anger surged through my veins and I turned towards them. Louis noticed and grabbed Liam's arm.

"We're going to give you a minute alone." He said, dragging Liam away. I stepped inside and slammed the door shut, glaring at harry. He took a step back.

"Baby, h-hi."

"Don't 'baby' me. I heard your argument with Liam. Explain. Now. Or I'm leaving and I'm never talking to you ever again."

"Okay, okay. A few months ago, Liam and I got invited to a party, so we decided to go just to see what a college party is like. We were there for about ten minutes when this girl came up and started flirting me. I politely declined her and walked away. About an hour later, I left Liam and went to the bathroom. Before I could walk in, the same girl stepped in front of the door and handed me a cup. I declined it. I didn't want to drink. I wanted to be able to talk to you later." I sat down on Liam's bed, avoiding eye contact because I knew as soon as I looked into those emerald orbs, I'd crack and forgive him.

Little Things ~Narry Storan~Where stories live. Discover now