Chapter 26

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Another six months pass and it's finally December fifteen again. Although Harry and Niall, were super excited for Darcy to turn one years old, they were still really sad that their baby girl is growing up so quickly. She's started walking now. Harry cried for two hours after she took her first steps. They started bringing her to a park, where they met Maci, a single mom of a little boy, Vincent, who's just a couple months older than Darcy. They've had plenty of play dates since meeting. Niall started trying to get her to say 'papa' but no such luck so far. Harry went out to pick up Darcy's cakes (a small cake for just darcy and a bigger one for everyone else), so Niall took the chance to teach Darcy to say Daddy. Niall would love her to say papa as his first word, but surprising harry with this would fill Niall's heart more than her saying papa first.

"Okay, baby girl. We need to get you to learn how to say daddy before daddy's birthday in a couple months." Darcy just stared at Niall, making the man chuckle.

"Ready?" She squealed, reaching up for Niall's hair. She hasn't outgrown that yet, and it's quite literally a headache for Niall and Harry.

"No, no hair, baby. It hurts." Niall chuckled. "Okay, now, say daddy."

"Ahhh." Darcy squealed, reaching for his hair again. Niall sighed, but smiled. He heard the door open and smirked to himself.

"Say papa." Niall said.

"No, say daddy." Harry said, setting the small box on the couch and sitting next to Niall on the floor. Darcy squealed loudly and reached for harry. Harry grinned and lifted the small baby into his arms.

"Hi, gorgeous! Are you excited for your birthday party?" She immediately grabbed onto his hair, making him grown.

"Darcy, ow." He whines. He pried her hands from his hair and looked over at Niall. "When will she stop pulling hair?" He asks, making Niall shrug.

"I don't know, but I hope it's soon." He pouts. Harry smiled, leaning over and pecking Niall's pout.

Soon, their family and friends were at their apartment to celebrate crafts birthday with them. Darcy and Vincent were playing near everyone while they all socialized and picked on the food that Niall and Harry had out. Soon, Harry brought Darcy to the kitchen and placed her in her high chair while Niall grabbed the small cake. He put a number one candle in the cake and lit it, making sure to keep the cake away from Darcy as they sung 'happy birthday' to her. Her face went from giggly to crying as soon as they started singing. Once they finished, Niall and Harry blew the candle out and Niall placed the cake on the tray of the high chair.

"Dig in, baby girl." Harry smiled, pulling the candle out of her cake. She looked at Niall, as if asking permission.

"Go ahead, baby. It's all for you." Niall chuckled. She squealed happily and shoved her hands in the cake. Harry pulled out the bigger cake and started cutting it while Niall got the ice cream. Once everyone had their cake and ice cream, Harry cut a piece for him and Niall while Niall put a couple scoops of ice cream for them. Niall looked over at Darcy and chuckled at the icing all over face and high chair. He pulled his phone out and took a few pictures of her. After everyone finished their cake and ice cream, harry grabbed a rag and wet it, walking over to wipe Darcy's hands and face. She whined, turning her head away from harry.

"We have to get you clean so you can open your presents." He said, grabbing her wrist gently and cleaning her hands first instead. He finally got to clean her face then lifted her from the high chair and chuckled as he noticed the icing and pieces of cake all over her clothes.

"Here, H." Niall said, walking in with another outfit. They quickly changed her then walked in the living room with everyone else. Niall and Harry sat next to the small stack of presents and Darcy sat in Harry's lap. They opened about three presents before Darcy got antsy and crawled away from harry and to Vincent. Niall looked at harry as he gasped.

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