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Jhenea laid back on the gurney in a frenzy. Everything was moving so fast that it began to feel suffocating.

Tears cascaded down Jhenea's face as the pain inclined higher and higher. Staring at the bright lights in the ceiling, Jhenea began to drift off into a daze. The distant stare only lasted a few seconds until the pain shot back beneath her stomach and in between her thighs. "We need to hurry up and get her hooked up to the monitors, she's going into labor." Jhenea heard one the nurses say as she continued to rush beside her.

Those words hit Jhenea hard. She couldn't believe that she was going into labor. It was too early. This wasn't the moment she had planned. She was alone, afraid and worried.

Jhenea shook her head trying her best to sit up. The pain made her body feel like a ton bricks had fallen on her causing her back to slam back down onto the bedding of the gurney pratically knocking all her breath away.

Anxiety bubbled over in her causing her breathing to become curt and her eyes to glisten with tears that were threatening to fall. She was scared and it was okay for her to admit so.

Anyone who was in her current situation would be as well. She had just witnessed her husband get shot a multitude of times and now she was getting wheeled around by strangers who insisted that she was having her baby at that very moment.

"No!"She gasped. "I can't have this baby without him!"

"Baybeh' calm down, you're in labor and you stressin' out the baby."A calm voice spoke to her. Jhenea's eyes roamed around before she met a warm terra-cotta skin toned face. Taking a deep breath she began to realize it was Anthony's mother right by her side.

The nurses and doctors had finally wheeled her to a room where they began to run around with urgency. Their words spewed out all at once causing Jhenea's brain to be scrambled. She couldn't understand anything that was going on and quite frankly the only thing that continued to flash in her head is the thought of loosing her baby and her husband.

"Everything is gonna be fine." Samantha gently brushed away Jhenea's hair that had clung to her face due to the beads of sweat transpiring out of the glands of her skin. "I need you to breath and be strong for Anthony and Artist. Can you do that for me?"

Jhenea slowly nodded her head. Her throat was too dry to utter any words so head movements would just have to do. She tightly held onto Samantha's hand afraid that if she let go she would fall alone again.

Tears continued to sprang from her eyes as she felt the unbearable pain embark on the lower half of her body again. "Her contractions are a minute and thirty seconds apart."One of the nurses spoke as they all began to surround her and connect her to different monitors and cords.

Jhenea felt like an animal that was at a showcase in a zoo. She was getting poked, touched and looked at in all different angles and by all different people. This wasn't the calm birth she had envisioned when Dr. Ahmed ran through the inducing process with her.

After a moment, Jhenea began to hear Artist's heartbeat circulate around the room. The nurses had finally gotten her connected to any monitor and machine they could as she laid back in fright.

"I came as soon as possible."April bursted through the doors. She was dressed in her scrubs since she was scheduled to work a night shift two hours after Jhenea and Anthony left.

Soon as she stepped foot onto the grounds of the hospital she recieved a call from Samantha. The two had exchanged numbers through passing at the gender reveal and never imagined that they would have to make use of them through the current circumstances.

Rushing to Jhenea's bed side she leaned down and applied a small kiss onto Jhenea's forehead. "I-I can't d-do this without him. Please don't m-make me." Jhenea implored out in a desperate cry.

All Grown Up |Sequel To His Block|Where stories live. Discover now