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Once I cleaned up, I walked out of the toilets to go and find Mia. I enter the cafeteria with my head high. Luckily, no one really noticed I wasn't there. I look to my right and see Victoria sitting on Noah's lap while Charlotte is in the corner making out with Zayn. I scrunch my face in disgust.

He's never gonna get Mia if he continues like that.

"I bet people were happy they could finally learn without drama going on, caused by yours truly." I thought to myself.

I spot Mia and take a seat opposite her. "You ok?" She asked. Her face was masked with a look of worry. "I am now," I began boldly. " There's a party Saturday night and guess who's gonna crash it?" I asked with a smirk.

The look in her eyes screamed Let's crash this bitch of a party!

This is why I love her.

I explained to her what I heard in the toilet and her face got more pissed by the second. By the time I was done she looked ready to kill.

I felt someone tap my shoulder.
I turned around and saw Zayn standing behind me with a smile.

"Hey there. You feeling better?" He asked.

"Yeah, just trying to figure out how I managed to fall asleep on the floor." I say while laughing to myself.

I turn to look at Mia who's looking at something on her phone like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab an ice cream or something and chat after school?" He asked Mia.

She looked up. "Are you talking to me?" and he nods. She looks at me for a reason not to go. "Sorry," I jump in. "She has a...thing...with her mom that she has to do."
"It's cool how about in a week?" He asked.
She shook her head violently and got up, took her stuff and ran out of the cafeteria. "Yeah, next time, don't go making out with Charlotte and then ask to meet." I say before getting up and walking off after Mia.

Before I get to the cafeteria doors, Noah appears and blocks my way. "How you doing? I heard you weren't in for most of the morning."

"And who did you hear that from?" I say crossing my arms.


I scoff. "Yeah, she chats shit about everyone. She probably told you something like I had a mole to go and remove at the doctors." I say.

"Actually, she said you had to go and get your braces this morning." He rambles and I hood up my hand to sip him from talking.

"Huh? That day you dragged me in your car and kissed me, did it look like I was gonna get braces?" I ask with an irritated tone. He stays silent. "That's what I thought..." I say before pushing past him and out of the cafeteria.

I walk down the corridors and see Mia biting her nails while shaking nervously. "Hey, it's ok" I tell her giving her hug. "How can I tell him how I feel if every second his tongue is down a different girl's throat?" She sobs. I let her cry into my bare shoulder.

"Listen, forget about him, he's irrelevant and the fact that he's doing this to you isn't acceptable. Tell him that if he really likes you, he wouldn't be fucking around the way he is. Just don't let on that you like him as well. Ok?" I ask and she nods.

"As I was saying, the party's saturday, do you have something to wear or do we have to go shopping on Friday?"

"I need something new so we'll go Friday after school and you can sleep over that night." She said while looking for something in her locker that I didn't realise we were standing next to.

The bell rang and I was walking towards my car and Lexi was standing next to my car, on her phone. "Hi Lexi, what's up?" I say when I reach her. "Nothing much. Just wanted to let you know that we're squeezing in an all day practice in a few days." She says.

I groan and lay my head against my car door. She giggles and says, "It's worse for the rest of the squad."
"It's not even that, I sweat fast so I have to be in shorts and a sports bra but at lunch, all the boys will stare and then Noah will come up to me again and then Victoria will see and then-" I ramble before Lexi stops me.

"Hold up. None of that is going to happen, in fact, I bet you 10 dollars that isn't going to happen." She says while holding her hand out. I shake her hand before she says. "Here comes trouble". I turn around to see Charlotte walking over to us.

"What do you want?" I say with a frustrated tone.
"Just came go give you an invitation to Victoria's party." She replies while handing me an envelope.

"Why can't she give it to me herself?" I challenge:

"She has some business to attend to."Charlotte replies. She turns her head to look towards the football team on the other side of the parking lot. Lexi and I follow her eyes to see Victoria attempting to flirt with Noah but failing miserably.

Lexi snorts behind me at the sight.
"Whatever, I'll be there." I say before turning around to say goodbye to Lexi. I get into my car and drive past the football team. My window is down because of the heat and Noah sees me and winks at me. I roll my eyes and catch Victoria's glare. I drive off towards home.

It's gonna be a long afternoon...


Wonder what's gonna happen at the party...

(I'm laughing right now cause I'm the author so I know what's gonna happen😂)

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