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I took out my ponytail and ran water through it to take out the gel and hairspray. I walked out of the changing room with my Sea City oversized hoodie. I kept my hands shoved in the pockets. My puffed out cheeks and red eyes are evident that I've been crying. I sit cross legged on the bench with our team, with my hood over my face. I watch the team play and as each touchdown by our team is made and the crowd goes off, I stay silent and still in my seat.

The end whistle goes off and our team colours burst into the sky into confetti. Our band is playing loud and clear and everyone is cheering and laughing. I don't move from my seat. I still can't wrap my head around what happened in the changing room. Noah and I are done. For good. I would be crying right now, just thinking about it but I don't have the willpower. I get up and start walking towards the changing room with my head low. As I'm walking, I bump into something large. I look up and mumble an apology when I realise who it is.

I immediately look down and start speed walking to the changing rooms. I don't say goodbye to anyone. I grab my bag and keys and head out of school.

When I get to the parking lot, there's a big crowd surrounding when my car should be. I shove past everyone and drop my bag. "M-M-My car." I whisper. The windows were smashed and the sides were dented. There was spray painted messages in black all over.

"Man stealer!"




I picked up my bag and shoved past everyone and started walking towards my apartment. I've had enough of this school. I can't go one fucking day without people on my case. As I'm walking I see three cars driving slowly behind me. The first one is Noah's. "Hey, I know we're not talking, but do you need a ride home?" He calls from his car and I shake my head. "Are you su-"

"Just go and get ready for the dance, Noah!" I yell but my voice is croaky. "Please." I beg and he nods and drives off into the distance. The second car is Lexi and Luke. "Maddie, what happened in the changing room?" Lexi calls. "Nothing." I reply. "Just please go and get ready." I say. "Are you going to the dance?" Luke asks and I shrug. They drive off and the last car is Ben. "Go home please Ben." I say before he even starts his sentence. "Whatever you want. Have a good night baby." He says and I smile weakly at him.

He winks at me before speeding off and leaving me in the streets alone. Luckily, I was already outside my apartment. I went in and plonked on my sofa. I looked over at the kitchen island to see my dress, shoes and purse sitting there. "How am I even supposed to get there?" I groan. My house phone goes off and I trudge to go and answer it. "Hello?" I answered weakly. "Hello. Is this Miss Thompson speaking?" A stern voice asked and I mumbled a yes. "We have a Range Rover SVAutobiography car in silver here waiting for you. Your payment was made a few minutes ago and we wanted to let you know that someone is coming to pick it up for you." The voice said and I sat up.

"I never made a payment." I said. "The names listed under the payment were...Mr Coleman, Miss Walker, Mr Johnson and Mr Western." He says. "Umm, yes thank you for letting me know." I say and he says his goodbye before the line goes dead.

They got me a new car?

"Guess I am going to Homecoming after all." I say to Rosie who is perched on the couch next to me. I race to the shower and when I come out, I hear my doorbell. I run towards the door in nothing but my bath robe. I open the door to reveal Lexi standing there with a dress bag and a suitcase and a big grin.  I let her in and we both get ready together.

"You guys seriously got me a new car??? Where the hell did you get the money for it?" I exclaim as I'm doing her hair. I'm putting it in a side parting with light curls and I'm teasing her hair so it looks more volumed. "It was actually, Noah who payed for it. We saw your car and thought you deserved a new one." She explains. I raise my eyebrow before picking up my phone.

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