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When I woke up, I felt really... heavy. Like there was a weight on my limbs keeping me down. But at the same time, I felt empty. Like emotionless-empty. So I thought, "Okay, maybe I'm just in a funk," so I ate breakfast, got dressed, and listened to music.
Nothing helped. I still felt like crap, to say the least.
I just felt so bored and tired and annoyed with everything.
Everything made me feel upset. I felt like there was something bad that was going to happen; I wasn't sure what it was, but something would. Eventually, I just felt like everyone was against me and everyone was so much more happy.
I began to feel angry with myself, because why did I feel like this? What did I do wrong?
I felt like an outsider, like I was a stranger in my own body. Like I was on the outside watching everyone carry on with their happy lives, while I was slowly drifting away.
I feel a little better today, I'm just terrified that same exact thing is going to happen again. I don't want to feel like that again. But at the same time, I can't seem to be happy the way I used to.
I just feel so bored with everything that I do and sad and angry and worthless and restless and... just everything, all at once.
It's overwhelming me so much, I don't want to do anything anymore.
Because it's so exhausting.
Mostly, though, I'm angry at myself. Because I shouldn't feel like this when there's so much suffering and sadness in this world, and I have a good life. I've got both parents, a family that loves me and supporting friends. What the heck is wrong with me?
I have absolutely no reason to be sad,
yet I am.

The Light in the Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now