A New Year

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2018 has been a long year.
It's also been a rough year.
Granted, it wasn't as bad as 2017, but I still had quite a lot of rough patches along the way.

This year, I have had a lot of bad days.
I've had days where I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to talk to people, I didn't want to move or do anything productive.
This year, I've cried more times than I can count.
This year, I've felt so much hurt, guilt, regret, and anger, mostly at myself.
This year has been painful, to say the least.
So many times, I've wondered if I've wanted to keep going on with my life when everything seems so dark and hopeless.

Even though this year has been tough, my hope is that 2019 will be better. I hope that 2019 will teach me to deal with my struggles in ways that 2018 failed to.
I hope that I will learn to be a stronger person in 2019, and I want to learn not to wallow in my sorrows and dark times, but to learn that it does get better, and that where I'm at right now is not the end, even though I've had so many times where it feels like it is.
In 2019, I want to learn that it's okay to be sad, but what's not okay is to wallow in that sadness for so long that you don't want to let yourself get better at all. I want to learn that it's okay to ask for help, and it's okay to talk about how you're feeling, because it means you're taking a step closer to getting better.

I guess that means so long, 2018.

As for 2019? I hope for the best from you.

Author's Note
Happy New Year, everyone!

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