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I feel like I'm floating.

My feet are barely skimming the ground as I move past, unaware of everyone around me.
I keep staring off into space at nothing in particular, and nothing can keep my attention for more than 5 minutes.
My mind will black out for a few seconds, and I'll come back confused, wondering what happened or how long I was gone.
I feel like I'm not real, like I'm not really here, like what's happening to me isn't really happening and I'm just dreaming.

I feel like I'm sinking.

My feet feel so heavy I'm melting into the floor, everyone staring at me as I ooze through the cracks.
My eyes keep jumping, jumping from thing to thing to thing, and I can't sit still anymore because my thoughts keep going back to what if, what if, what if.
My mind will just keep running and running and I'll start to wonder if it's always going to be this way, and I'll always feel this bad.
I know that I'm real, I know that I'm here, I know that everything is really happening to me, but I don't know if I want to be here anymore.

The Light in the Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now