12:32 am

15 1 0

I can tell it's getting bad again

My chest aches with every breath I take and my ears are ringing so loud
I can barely hear my own thoughts
that are screaming at me

With every step I take
the world spins and
this all hurts so, so much
but nobody would ever understand that

I don't even care that much anymore even though I know I should

At this point
I expect bad things to happen to me

Nothing's right
it all feels wrong
and so dark and terrifying
I'm constantly panicking about everything
and everyone is angry with me for being this way
but what I don't understand
is how they all think
it's not a big deal
when it is

Author's Note
I like to act like I don't care and nothing bothers me, even though it does. It's easier to tell people I don't care then to tell them how I actually feel and disappointing/annoying/frustrating them.
I don't have any functional coping mechanisms, so I kind of just get really irritable and cry a lot over stupid stuff - like this :)

The Light in the Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now