I Don't Think I Can Do This Anymore

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I feel like everyone's
constantly angry and annoyed with me for what I say and do
and how I act.
I never feel like I'm good enough, even though I know nobody could care less about how I look or what I say or even if I'm there at all.
I know I'm being irrational
and I know I'm such a mess
and believe me,
I've been trying
for the past two years
to fix the mess that is my life,
but nothing seems to work anymore,
so I'm starting to just let it all fall apart. I just can't do this anymore
and I can't stay strong any longer
when I already have for so long.

Author's Note
My life just feels like it's falling apart and no matter how hard I try, I can't pull it back together. My grades are dropping, and I stay up all night on my phone because I just can't sleep but I don't even try to do my homework. I have no motivation anymore. I can barely pull myself out of bed in the mornings long enough to get a shower, and I've been eating less. I know I need to talk to someone, but there's a voice in my head that drowns out all the others that tells me to just shut up and stay quiet because I'll never get better anyways, so why should I even try? I just don't care anymore. I just don't care.

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