On the Edge

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My hands are  s ha k in g  they won't stop  sh a ki n g
My head hurts ohgosh it hurts

My mind is running <amileaminute> everything's going so fast and I want all of it to stop I want everything to just
for once

Someone help me pleasepleaseplease help me everything hurts and I'm scared and I feel so [alone]

I can't br ea t h e and I can't 't-a-lk' and I can't scream or cry
all I can do is sit here as everything
c r
s h
around me

Why am I like this-what's going on-what's happening to me-what's wrong with me

My vision's going dark and my head's pounding and my ears are ringing and ohgosh please just
make it stop

Author's Note
So, uh... this one's something I've never really done before. I tried playing around with different spacings, punctuations, and effects to try and make the poem more interesting/impactful. What did you guys think? If you'd like, leave a comment below on what you did or didn't like about this one. I enjoyed making this poem, I hope you guys liked reading it!

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